GitHub for Unity
The GitHub for Unity extension brings Git and GitHub into Unity, integrating source control into your work with friendly and accessible tools and workflows.
Please note: this software is currently alpha quality. Please refer to the list of known issues, and make sure you have backups of your work before trying it out.
Where can I get it?
Installing GitHub for Unity
- Unity 5.4 or higher. Personal edition is fine.
- Create a new Unity project.
- Download the latest release from the releases page and double-click the unitypackage file. The package will install itself into the project currently opened in Unity, and Unity will automatically load it once all the files are in the project.
I have a problem with GitHub for Unity
First, please search the open issues and closed issues to see if your issue hasn't already been reported (it may also be fixed).
If you can't find an issue that matches what you're seeing, open a new issue and fill out the template to provide us with enough information to investigate further.
How can I contribute to GitHub for Unity?
The document will help you get setup and familiar with the source. The documentation folder also contains more resources relevant to the project.
If you're looking for something to work on, check out the up-for-grabs label.
More Resources
See for more product-oriented information about GitHub for Unity.
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