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  • 0.5.0
    35bbe667 · Bump version to 0.5.0 ·
    MediaLibrary 0.5.0
    This is a release aiming at being used by VLC for Android and iOS 3.2.x
    It contains many fixes and improvements, including but not limited to:
    - Improved support for linking entities together
    - Better thumbnail sharing
    - Early bookmarks support
    - Support for overriding external media with a discovered media
    - Better notification support, which won't be held until the last one
    - Listing banned entrypoints
    - Refreshing modified files is now supported
    - It is now possible to interrupt the background tasks
    - More safety checks for the database models
    - Support for multiple thumbnails per media
    - Support for thumbnail relocation
    - Better playlist support
    And many other fixes & improvements.
    This release uses the database model v18
  • 0.2.0
    67797d1b · Update copyrights ·