Version 4.0.0:
- Rename buildMobileVLCKit to compileAndBuildVLCKit
- Use NSDateComponents API for VLCTime.verboseStringValue
Version 3.2.0:
- Enabled libmux module
- Fixed a bug where debuglogging logged less than what the loglevel indicated
- Fixed a bug where subtitles where not displayed by default on iOS
- Fixed a crash when playing back mkv on iOS 12
- API Changes:
- updateProgressWithReference:message:postion: to updateProgressWithReference:message:position:
- new recording Api
- (void)mediaPlayerStartedRecording:(VLCMediaPlayer *)player;
- (void)mediaPlayer:(VLCMediaPlayer *)player recordingStoppedAtPath:(NSString *)path;
- (BOOL)startRecordingAtPath:(NSString *)path;
- (BOOL)stopRecording;
- new Transcoder Class and API
- (void)transcode:(VLCTranscoder *)transcoder finishedSucessfully:(BOOL)success;
- (BOOL)reencodeAndMuxSRTFile:(NSString *)srtPath toMP4File:(NSString *)mp4Path outputPath:(NSString *)outPath
Version 3.1.5:
- Fixed a crash when updateProgressCallback was called
- Fixed an issue with authentification for certain HTTP streams
- Added missing VLCMediaParseStatusTimeout to VLCMediaParsedStatus enum
- debugLoggingLevel of VLCLibrary defaults to 0 (just errors) when provided with an invalid level
- Added VLCMedia initWithStream:(NSInputStream *)stream to create a new VLCMedia object to use an input stream.
- Fixed VLCMediaThumbnailer dimensions not being updated after fetching a thumbnail
- Fixed crash when cancelDialog was called on VLCDialogProvider
Version 3.1.3:
- Fixed crashes with Chromecast when starting it in the middle of playing streams
- Fixed Audio not resuming after backgrounding
Version 3.1.2:
- Fix an issue that led to subtitles not being displayed for mkv files
- h264 low-latency improvements for VideoToolbox
- Improved display of subtitles
- Fix playback issues with certain AVI, MP4 and MKV files
Version 3.1.1:
- Drop support for platforms < iOS 8 & < tvOS 10.2
- Fix an issue that led to green artifacts in H264 streams
- Fix AVAudioSession handling on tvOS and iOS when playing multiple streams
- Fix OpenGL multithreading issues on macOS
- Updated third party libraries, notably Harfbuzz for security improvements
- Expose the existing snapshot API of the VLCMediaPlayer class to macOS
- Expose yaw, pitch, roll and fov for viewpoint
- Include protobuf, sout, output_http and stream_out modules for Chromecast

Felix Paul Kühne
Version 3.0.2:
- Automatic reconnections to HTTP(S) servers on unexpected drops on iOS and tvOS
- Fixed deadlock when sent to background
- Fixed some OpenGL and flv crashes
- Fixed HEVC playback that resulted in just a black screen
- Removal of private API usage by ffmpeg

Felix Paul Kühne
Version 3.0.0:
Generic changes:
- Added support for tvOS
- Removed support for the 32bit OS X platform
- Added support for audio muting and software volume changes on iOS and tvOS
- VLCAudio
- setMuted:
- VLCDialogProvider
- new class to handle user interaction with VLC events
- VLCLibrary
- added properties: debugLogging, debugLoggingLevel
- VLCMediaDiscoverer
- added selector: availableMediaDiscovererForCategoryType:
- added enum: VLCMediaDiscovererCategoryType
- VLCMediaListPlayer
- added selectors: initWithDrawable:

Felix Paul Kühne
- added properties: titleDescriptions, indexOfLongestTitle, numberOfTitles,
snapshots, lastSnapshot

Felix Paul Kühne
- added selectors: chaptersForTitleIndex:
- added notifications: VLCMediaPlayerTitleChanged, VLCMediaPlayerChapterChanged
- added enum: VLCMediaPlaybackSlaveType
- Note:
- play's return type was changed from BOOL to void
- hue is now a float instead of an integer
- Return value of the following methods changed from INT_MAX to -1

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCMedia
- added keys: VLCMetaInformationTrackTotal, VLCMetaInformationDirector,
VLCMetaInformationSeason, VLCMetaInformationEpisode,
VLCMetaInformationShowName, VLCMetaInformationActors,
VLCMetaInformationAlbumArtist, VLCMetaInformationDiscNumber,
- added selectors: codecNameForFourCC:trackType:

Felix Paul Kühne
- added enums: VLCMediaType, VLCMediaParsingOptions, VLCMediaParsedStatus,
VLCMediaOrientation, VLCMediaProjection

Felix Paul Kühne
- changed behavior: media will no longer be parsed automatically if meta
data is requested prior to concluded parsing

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCMediaList
- changed behavior: lists of media objects added through arrays or on init
are no longer added in reverse order
- VLCTime
- added selectors: isEqual:
- VLCAudio
- added property: passthrough

Felix Paul Kühne
Modified APIs:
- VLCMediaList
- To match the KVC bindings, all NSInteger arguments were moved to NSUInteger as appropriate
- mediaList:mediaAdded:atIndex:
- mediaList:mediaRemovedAtIndex:
- addMedia:
- insertMedia:atIndex:
- removeMediaAtIndex:
- mediaAtIndex:
- VLCAudio
- setMute:
- parse, isParsed, synchronousParse
- VLCMediaDiscoverer
- availableMediaDiscoverer, localizedName

Felix Paul Kühne
- titles, chaptersForTitleIndex:, countOfTitles, framesPerSecond, openVideoSubTitlesFromFile:

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCMediaListPlayer
- playItemAtIndex

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCStreamSession
- VLCStreamOutput
- VLCMediaLibrary
- VLCExtension
- VLCExtensionsManager
- VLCMedia:
- fps
- media:metaValueChangedFrom:forKey:
- VLCMediaPlayer
- audioTracks
- videoTracks
- videoSubTitles

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCServicesDiscoverer

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCPlaylistDataSource
Version 2.2.2:
New APIs:
- VLCMediaPlayer
- added properties: numberOfVideoTracks, numberOfSubtitlesTracks
Version 2.2.0:

Felix Paul Kühne
- Fixed deinterlacing if requested
- Fixed decoding and display of Teletext-based subtitles
- Added support for inclusion in swift projects
- Switched to Automatic Reference Counting
- Various stability improvements
- It is finally possible to compile the framework without relying on third
party scripts
- Added 2 sample projects illustrating video playback
- Added support for https and hls playback

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCMediaListPlayer is available now
- VLCMediaThumbnailer is a public API on the Mac now matching the mobile
- Updated samples projects illustrating playback, file conversation, ...
New APIs:
- VLCMediaThumbnailer:
- added property: snapshotPosition to overwrite the default

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCMediaListPlayer:
- added initWithOptions selector matching VLCMediaPlayer's implementation
- added previous, next and playItemAtIndex selectors

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCMedia:
- added delegate method mediaMetaDataDidChange
- VLCMediaPlayer:
- added equalizer

Felix Paul Kühne
Modified API behavior:
- VLCMediaPlayer:
- implementing mediaPlayerTimeChanged and mediaPlayerStateChanged within a
delegate object is optional now
- VLCMedia:
- nowPlaying meta information is correctly handled now

Felix Paul Kühne

Felix Paul Kühne
Deprecated APIs:
- VLCMedia:
- media:metaValueChangedFrom:forKey:

Felix Paul Kühne
Changes within VLCKit between 2.0.0 and 2.1.0:
The entire framework was relicensed to LGPL 2.1 or later as well as its
underlying playback modules.
Support for transcoding and streaming as well as DVD playback was not affected
by this move and stays under GPL until further notice.
Please note that the Objective-C syntax was updated, so VLCKit may no longer
compile with outdated versions of Xcode / clang.

Felix Paul Kühne
New APIs:
- VLCStreamOutput:
- support for subtitle transcoding
- VLCMedia:
- extended media track information for bitrate, language, description, source
aspect ratio, source aspect denominator, frame rate, frame rate denominator,
and text encoding
- added setter and getter for individual meta data values as well as the
ability to write changes to the media file

Felix Paul Kühne
- added (BOOL)isMediaSizeSuitableForDevice to let VLCKit determine whether the
current media is considered to be suitable for the current device or
playback is discouraged. Will always return true on OS X devices.
- added individual getters for all statistic values, so client application can
fetch single values instead of having to process a NSDictionary with all the
available values. The old API is still available and will stay.

Felix Paul Kühne
- VLCMediaPlayer:
- added support to enable, switch and disable video tracks
- added setter/getter for SPU and audio delays
- added setter/getter for the video scale factor
- added support for the "adjust" video filter to manipulate contrast,
brightness, hue, saturation and gamma on the fly
- new interfaces to fetch names and IDs of audio, subtitle and video tracks
- added the ability to launch instances with custom libvlc options
- VLCLibrary:
- added the ability to launch instances with custom libvlc options
- added methods to set App ID and User-Agent
- added readonly property to fetch compiler information

Felix Paul Kühne
Deprecated APIs:
- VLCMediaPlayer:
@property (readonly) NSUInteger fps;
- use (float)fps instead.
- (NSArray *)videoSubTitles;
- use - (NSArray *)videoSubtitleNames; instead
- (NSArray *)audioTracks;
- use - (NSArray *)audioTrackNames; instead
- (NSArray *)videoTracks;
- use - (NSArray *)videoTrackNames; instead
Modified behavior:
- use of clang instead of llvm-gcc-4.2
- updated project file for Xcode 4.3 and later
- iOS Deployment target was raised to iOS 5.1
- dropped support for the PowerPC architecture
- Mac Deployment target was raised to OS X 10.7
- different logging behavior: to see any debug messages, the framework needs
to be compiled in debug mode
MobileVLCKit features:
- added support for Opus
- slimmed binary by removing dysfunctional or irrelevant modules
- screen sleep is prevented during playback
- functionality is strictly limited for full LGPL compliance

Felix Paul Kühne
Removed APIs:
- VLCMedia:
- (void)setValue:(id)value forMeta:(NSString *)VLCMetaInformation;
use setMetadata:(NSString *)data forKey:(NSString *)key instead