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Commit 8129538c authored by VideoLAN's avatar VideoLAN Committed by Felix Paul Kühne
Browse files

l10n: Chinese (Taiwan) update

Localizable.strings: 81% translated

InfoPlist.strings: 100% translated

Settings.bundle: 89% translated

Signed-off-by: default avatarFelix Paul Kühne <>
parent ef23f7e8
No related branches found
Tags 3.4.0b1
No related merge requests found
......@@ -122,3 +122,5 @@
"SETTINGS_EXPORT_LIBRARY" = "Dump media library";
"ABOUT_APP_TV" = "關於 VLC for tvOS";
"SETTINGS_REMEMBER_PLAYER_STATE" = "Remember player state (shuffle, loop)";
......@@ -122,3 +122,5 @@
"SETTINGS_EXPORT_LIBRARY" = "Dump media library";
"ABOUT_APP_TV" = "關於 VLC for tvOS";
"SETTINGS_REMEMBER_PLAYER_STATE" = "Remember player state (shuffle, loop)";
......@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
"BUTTON_RENDERER_HINT" = "顯示可用的投放裝置選單";
"BUTTON_AIRPLAY" = "AirPlay or Bluetooth";
"BUTTON_AIRPLAY_HINT" = "Show a menu of available AirPlay or Bluetooth devices";
"BUTTON_AIRPLAY" = "AirPlay Bluetooth";
"BUTTON_AIRPLAY_HINT" = "顯示可用的 AirPlay Bluetooth 裝置選單";
......@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@
"DOWNLOAD_FROM_HTTP_HELP" = "請輸入一個地址來下載檔案到您的 %@ 。";
"ERROR_NUMBER" = "錯誤 %i 發生";
......@@ -159,17 +158,9 @@
"BIOMETRIC_UNLOCK" = "解鎖媒體庫\n輸入密碼以取消";
//PAPasscode Strings that we need to localize for them
"%d Failed Passcode Attempts" = "%d 次嘗試通關密碼失敗";
"1 Failed Passcode Attempt" = "一次嘗試通關密碼失敗";
"Change Passcode" = "更換通關密碼";
"Enter Passcode" = "輸入通關密碼";
"Enter a passcode" = "輸入通關密碼";
"Enter your new passcode" = "輸入您新的通關密碼";
"Enter your old passcode" = "輸入您舊的通關密碼";
"Enter your passcode" = "輸入您的通關密碼";
"Next" = "下一個";
"Passcodes did not match. Try again." = "通關密碼不一致。請再試一次。";
"Re-enter your new passcode" = "再次輸入您新的通關密碼";
"Re-enter your passcode" = "再次輸入您的通關密碼";
"Set Passcode" = "設定通關密碼";
......@@ -281,6 +272,7 @@
"REPEAT_FOLDER" = "資料夾";
"SHUFFLE" = "Shuffle";
"SHUFFLE_DISABLED" = "Shuffle off";
"RESET_NETWORK_STREAM_LIST_TEXT" = "Permanently reset the list of recently played network streams.";
......@@ -344,6 +336,9 @@
"BUTTON_EDIT" = "編輯";
"BUTTON_EDIT_HINT" = "編輯模式";
"BUTTON_SELECT" = "Select";
"BUTTON_SELECT_HINT" = "Select button";
"BUTTON_SELECT_ALL" = "Select all";
"BUTTON_SELECT_ALL_HINT" = "Select all the media items present in this view";
......@@ -373,7 +368,9 @@
"DESCENDING_SWITCH_HINT" = "以遞增或遞減順序排序內容";
"GRID_LAYOUT" = "格線配置";
"GRID_LAYOUT" = "Grid";
"LIST_LAYOUT" = "List";
"HIDE_FEAT_ARTISTS" = "Hide feat. artists";
// MARK: - VLCMediaLibraryKit - Sorting Criteria
......@@ -391,6 +388,9 @@
"NB_AUDIO" = "音訊數量";
"NB_MEDIA" = "媒體數量";
"NB_VIDEO" = "影片數量";
"NB_ALBUM" = "Number of albums";
"LAST_PLAYBACK_DATE" = "Last playback date";
"TRACK_ID" = "Track ID";
// MARK: - VLCNetworkLoginTVViewController
......@@ -401,6 +401,8 @@
"UNKNOWN_ARTIST" = "未知藝人";
"VARIOUS_ARTIST" = "多個藝人";
"UNKNOWN_ALBUM" = "未知專輯";
"SINGLE_ITEM_SELECTED" = "item selected";
"MULTIPLE_ITEMS_SELECTED" = "items selected";
// MARK: - VideoPlayerControls
......@@ -447,6 +449,12 @@
// MARK: - MediaMoreOptionsActionSheet
"BOOKMARKS_TITLE" = "Bookmarks";
"ADD_BOOKMARKS_TITLE" = "Add Bookmarks";
"BOOKMARK_DEFAULT_NAME" = "Bookmark at";
"BOOKMARK_RENAME_TITLE" = "Rename bookmark";
"BOOKMARK_DELETE_TITLE" = "Delete bookmark";
"BOOKMARK_DELETE_MESSAGE" = "Confirm the deletion of the bookmark";
// MARK: - Settings - Force rescan alert
"FORCE_RESCAN_TITLE" = "強制重新掃描媒體櫃";
......@@ -494,7 +502,7 @@
"MAKE_DONATION_TITLE" = "Make a donation";
"DONATION_DESCRIPTION" = "Your sponsorship will allow us to improve the VLC-iOS app and support the VideoLAN association.";
"CANNOT_MAKE_PAYMENTS" = "你沒有權限在此設備上付款。";
"PURCHASE_FAILED" = "Purchase Failed.";
"PURCHASE_FAILED" = "購買失敗。";
"SEND_DONATION" = "Send your donation";
"PURCHASE_SUCESS_TITLE" = "Donation sent";
"PURCHASE_SUCESS_DESCRIPTION" = "Thank you for your donation!";
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