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Commit e0d699da authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne
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videolan-20: shrink gpl image

parent 0b3bebf5
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......@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ em { font-style: italic; }
<p>This open sourcing concerned all the software developed by the VideoLAN project, including <em>VideoLAN Client</em>, <em>VideoLAN Server</em>, <em>VideoLAN Bridge</em>, <em>VideoLAN Channel Switcher</em>, but also libraries to decode DVDs, like <em>libdca</em>, <em>liba52</em> or <em>libmpeg2</em>.</p>
<p>At that time, this was a risky decision for the <a href="">École Centrale Paris</a>, and the VideoLAN project is very grateful.</em>
<a href="//"><?php image("VideoLAN_GPL.jpeg" , "VideoLAN decision to GPL", "center-block img-responsive"); ?></a>
<div class="row">
<a href="//"><?php image("VideoLAN_GPL.jpeg" , "VideoLAN decision to GPL", "center-block img-responsive col-md-6"); ?></a>
<p>Since then, the project evolved to become a French non-profit organization, and continued developing numerous solutions around the free software multimedia world.</p>
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