|12 January 2021|VLC 3.0.12|VideoLAN is now publishing 3.0.12 release, which adds support for Apple Silicon, improves Bluray, DASH and RIST support. It fixes some audio issues on macOS, some crashes on Windows and fixes security issues. More details on <a href="/vlc/releases/3.0.12.html">the release page</a>.
|18 January 2021|VLC 3.0.12|VideoLAN is now publishing 3.0.12 release, which adds support for Apple Silicon, improves Bluray, DASH and RIST support. It fixes some audio issues on macOS, some crashes on Windows and fixes security issues. More details on <a href="/vlc/releases/3.0.12.html">the release page</a>.
|23 October 2020|libbluray 1.2.1|A minor release of libbluray was pushed today, focused on fixing bugs and improving the support for UHD Blurays. More details on <a href="/developers/libbluray.html">the libbluray</a> page.
|23 October 2020|libbluray 1.2.1|A minor release of libbluray was pushed today, focused on fixing bugs and improving the support for UHD Blurays. More details on <a href="/developers/libbluray.html">the libbluray</a> page.