|6 March 2022|libbluray releases|libbluray and related libraries, libaacs and libbdplus, have new releases, focused on maintenance, minor improvements, and notably new OSes and new java versions compatibility. See <a href="/developers/libbluray.html">libbluray</a>, <a href="/developers/libaacs.html">libaacs</a> and <a href="/developers/libbdplus.html">libbdplus</a> pages.
|15 December 2021|VLC and log4j|Since its very early days in 1996, VideoLAN software is written in programming languages of the C family (mostly plain C with additions in C++ and Objective-C) with the notable exception of its port to Android, which was started in Java and recently transitioned to Kotlin. VLC does not use the log4j library on any platform and is therefore unaffected by any related security implications.
|20 September 2021|VLC for Android 3.4.0|We are pleased to release version 3.4.0 of the VLC version for the Android platforms.<br />Still based on libVLC 3, it revamps the Audio Player and the Auto support, it adds bookmarks in each media, simplifies the permissions and improves video grouping. See our <a href="/vlc/download-android.html">Android page</a>.