| **Windows Vista** |:red:`NO` | :red:`NO` |:red:`NO` | :green:`YES` | :green:`YES` |*It is highly recommended to install the Platform Update 1*|
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Version Compatibility Summary
* VLC 1.0.0 does not work on Vista or Windows 7 - This is a known limtation.
* VLC 1.0.0 does not work on Vista or Windows 7 - This is a known limtation.
* VLC 0.9.0/1.0.0/1.1.0 doesn't work on Win9x - This is by design. You need atleast Windows 2000 to run the latest VLC 1.1.x. For earlier Windows release, use VLC 0.8.6i or check out `this forum post <https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=64425>`_ for tips on running the latest versions of VLC.