Skip to content
Commits on Source (11)
......@@ -35,11 +35,21 @@ stages:
.variables-macos: &variables-macos
.variables-macos-x86_64: &variables-macos-x86_64
_TRIPLET: "x86_64-apple-darwin19"
_XCFLAGS: "-arch x86_64"
_XLDFLAGS: "-arch x86_64"
.variables-macos-arm64: &variables-macos-arm64
_TRIPLET: "aarch64-apple-darwin19"
_XCFLAGS: "-arch arm64"
_XLDFLAGS: "-arch arm64"
stage: build
......@@ -133,11 +143,8 @@ build-llvm-mingw-aarch64:
extends: .build-llvm-mingw
variables: *variables-win-aarch64
extends: .build
- amd64
- catalina
script: |
set -x
......@@ -150,13 +157,26 @@ build-macos:
git clone --depth 1 --branch master lsmash
cd lsmash
./configure --prefix="${LOCAL_INSTALL_DIR}"
./configure --prefix="${LOCAL_INSTALL_DIR}" --target-os="${_TRIPLET}" --extra-cflags="${_XCFLAGS}" --extra-ldflags="${_XLDFLAGS}"
make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) install
cd ..
./configure --enable-pic --enable-strip
./configure --host="${_TRIPLET}" --enable-pic --enable-strip
make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) x264 checkasm
variables: *variables-macos
extends: .build-macos
- amd64
- catalina
variables: *variables-macos-x86_64
extends: .build-macos
- amd64
- catalina
variables: *variables-macos-arm64
.test: &test
stage: test
......@@ -195,12 +215,12 @@ test-win64:
- build-win64
variables: *variables-win64
<<: *test
extends: build-macos
extends: build-macos-x86_64
- build-macos
variables: *variables-macos
- build-macos-x86_64
variables: *variables-macos-x86_64
.release: &release
stage: release
......@@ -246,9 +266,16 @@ release-win64:
- build-win64
variables: *variables-win64
<<: *release
extends: build-macos-x86_64
- build-macos-x86_64
variables: *variables-macos-x86_64
<<: *release
extends: build-macos
extends: build-macos-arm64
- build-macos
variables: *variables-macos
- build-macos-arm64
variables: *variables-macos-arm64
......@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ static const char * const opts_nosuggest[] =
"--keyint", "-I",
"--min-keyint", "-i",
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
# define FUNC @
......@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ REALIGN_STACK int x264_param_apply_profile( x264_param_t *param, const char *pro
static int parse_enum( const char *arg, const char * const *names, int *dst )
for( int i = 0; names[i]; i++ )
if( !strcasecmp( arg, names[i] ) )
if( *names[i] && !strcasecmp( arg, names[i] ) )
*dst = i;
return 0;
......@@ -1013,6 +1013,32 @@ REALIGN_STACK int x264_param_parse( x264_param_t *p, const char *name, const cha
p->vui.i_chroma_loc = atoi(value);
b_error = ( p->vui.i_chroma_loc < 0 || p->vui.i_chroma_loc > 5 );
if( strcasecmp( value, "undef" ) )
b_error |= sscanf( value, "G(%d,%d)B(%d,%d)R(%d,%d)WP(%d,%d)L(%"SCNd64",%"SCNd64")",
&p->mastering_display.i_green_x, &p->mastering_display.i_green_y,
&p->mastering_display.i_blue_x, &p->mastering_display.i_blue_y,
&p->mastering_display.i_red_x, &p->mastering_display.i_red_y,
&p->mastering_display.i_white_x, &p->mastering_display.i_white_y,
&p->mastering_display.i_display_max, &p->mastering_display.i_display_min ) != 10;
p->mastering_display.b_mastering_display = !b_error;
p->mastering_display.b_mastering_display = 0;
if( strcasecmp( value, "undef" ) )
b_error |= sscanf( value, "%d,%d",
&p->content_light_level.i_max_cll, &p->content_light_level.i_max_fall ) != 2;
p->content_light_level.b_cll = !b_error;
p->content_light_level.b_cll = 0;
b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_transfer_names, &p->i_alternative_transfer );
......@@ -1389,7 +1415,7 @@ REALIGN_STACK int x264_param_parse( x264_param_t *p, const char *name, const cha
char *x264_param2string( x264_param_t *p, int b_res )
int len = 1000;
int len = 2000;
char *buf, *s;
if( p->rc.psz_zones )
len += strlen(p->rc.psz_zones);
......@@ -1498,6 +1524,16 @@ char *x264_param2string( x264_param_t *p, int b_res )
if( p->crop_rect.i_left | p->crop_rect.i_top | p->crop_rect.i_right | p->crop_rect.i_bottom )
s += sprintf( s, " crop_rect=%d,%d,%d,%d", p->crop_rect.i_left, p->crop_rect.i_top,
p->crop_rect.i_right, p->crop_rect.i_bottom );
if( p->mastering_display.b_mastering_display )
s += sprintf( s, " mastering-display=G(%d,%d)B(%d,%d)R(%d,%d)WP(%d,%d)L(%"PRId64",%"PRId64")",
p->mastering_display.i_green_x, p->mastering_display.i_green_y,
p->mastering_display.i_blue_x, p->mastering_display.i_blue_y,
p->mastering_display.i_red_x, p->mastering_display.i_red_y,
p->mastering_display.i_white_x, p->mastering_display.i_white_y,
p->mastering_display.i_display_max, p->mastering_display.i_display_min );
if( p->content_light_level.b_cll )
s += sprintf( s, " cll=%d,%d",
p->content_light_level.i_max_cll, p->content_light_level.i_max_fall );
if( p->i_frame_packing >= 0 )
s += sprintf( s, " frame-packing=%d", p->i_frame_packing );
......@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ enum sei_payload_type_e
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ int x264_cpu_num_processors( void )
return x264_pthread_num_processors_np();
return sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN );
......@@ -460,15 +460,10 @@ int x264_cpu_num_processors( void )
get_system_info( &info );
return info.cpu_count;
int ncpu;
size_t length = sizeof( ncpu );
int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_NCPU };
if( sysctl(mib, 2, &ncpu, &length, NULL, 0) )
if( sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &ncpu, &length, NULL, 0) )
ncpu = 1;
......@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ cl_ldflags() {
[ "$arg" = avifil32.lib ] && arg=vfw32.lib
[ "$arg" = gpac_static.lib ] && arg=libgpac_static.lib
[ "$arg" = gpac.lib ] && arg=libgpac.lib
[ "$arg" = x264.lib ] && arg=libx264.lib
[ -n "$arg" ] && echo -n "$arg "
......@@ -827,6 +828,11 @@ case $host_cpu in
if [ "$SYS" = MACOSX ] ; then
if cc_check '' "-arch arm64"; then
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -arch arm64"
LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -arch arm64"
ASFLAGS="$ASFLAGS -arch arm64"
elif [ "$SYS" = WINDOWS ] && [ "$compiler" = CL ] ; then
AS="${AS-${SRCPATH}/tools/ -arch aarch64 -as-type armasm -- armasm64 -nologo}"
......@@ -1244,15 +1250,32 @@ fi
if [ "$gpac" = "auto" -a "$lsmash" != "yes" ] ; then
cc_check "" -lz && GPAC_LIBS="$GPAC_LIBS -lz"
cc_check "" -ldl && GPAC_LIBS="$GPAC_LIBS -ldl"
if [ "$SYS" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
cc_check "" -lws2_32 && GPAC_LIBS="$GPAC_LIBS -lws2_32"
cc_check "" -lwinmm && GPAC_LIBS="$GPAC_LIBS -lwinmm"
if pkg_check gpac ; then
if cc_check gpac/isomedia.h "$GPAC_CFLAGS_TMP $GPAC_LIBS_TMP" "gf_isom_close(0);" ; then
GPAC_LIBS_TMP="$GPAC_LIBS $($PKGCONFIG --static --libs gpac | sed 's/-lgpac //')"
GPAC_CFLAGS_TMP="$GPAC_CFLAGS $($PKGCONFIG --static --cflags gpac)"
if cc_check gpac/isomedia.h "$GPAC_CFLAGS_TMP $GPAC_LIBS_TMP" "gf_isom_close(0);" ; then
if [ -z "$GPAC_LIBS" ] ; then
cc_check "" -lz && GPAC_LIBS="$GPAC_LIBS -lz"
cc_check "" -ldl && GPAC_LIBS="$GPAC_LIBS -ldl"
if [ "$SYS" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
cc_check "" -lws2_32 && GPAC_LIBS="$GPAC_LIBS -lws2_32"
cc_check "" -lwinmm && GPAC_LIBS="$GPAC_LIBS -lwinmm"
if cc_check gpac/isomedia.h "$GPAC_LIBS" "gf_isom_close(0);" ; then
if cc_check gpac/isomedia.h "$GPAC_LIBS" "gf_isom_set_pixel_aspect_ratio(0,0,0,0,0,0);" ; then
if cc_check gpac/isomedia.h "$GPAC_CFLAGS $GPAC_LIBS" "gf_isom_close(0);" ; then
if cc_check gpac/isomedia.h "$GPAC_CFLAGS $GPAC_LIBS" "gf_isom_set_pixel_aspect_ratio(0,0,0,0,0,0);" ; then
echo "Warning: gpac is too old, update to v0.8.0 or later"
......@@ -1268,6 +1291,7 @@ if [ "$lsmash" = "yes" ] ; then
elif [ "$gpac" = "yes" ] ; then
define HAVE_GPAC
......@@ -640,6 +640,41 @@ static int validate_parameters( x264_t *h, int b_open )
return -1;
if( h->param.mastering_display.b_mastering_display )
if( h->param.mastering_display.i_green_x > UINT16_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_green_x < 0 ||
h->param.mastering_display.i_green_y > UINT16_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_green_y < 0 ||
h->param.mastering_display.i_blue_x > UINT16_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_blue_x < 0 ||
h->param.mastering_display.i_blue_y > UINT16_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_blue_y < 0 ||
h->param.mastering_display.i_red_x > UINT16_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_red_x < 0 ||
h->param.mastering_display.i_red_y > UINT16_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_red_y < 0 ||
h->param.mastering_display.i_white_x > UINT16_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_white_x < 0 ||
h->param.mastering_display.i_white_y > UINT16_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_white_y < 0 )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "mastering display xy coordinates out of range [0,%u]\n", UINT16_MAX );
return -1;
if( h->param.mastering_display.i_display_max > UINT32_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_display_max < 0 ||
h->param.mastering_display.i_display_min > UINT32_MAX || h->param.mastering_display.i_display_min < 0 )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "mastering display brightness out of range [0,%u]\n", UINT32_MAX );
return -1;
if( h->param.mastering_display.i_display_min == 50000 && h->param.mastering_display.i_display_max == 50000 )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "mastering display min and max brightness cannot both be 50000\n" );
return -1;
if( h->param.content_light_level.b_cll &&
(h->param.content_light_level.i_max_cll > UINT16_MAX || h->param.content_light_level.i_max_cll < 0 ||
h->param.content_light_level.i_max_fall > UINT16_MAX || h->param.content_light_level.i_max_fall < 0) )
x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "content light levels out of range [0,%u]\n", UINT16_MAX );
return -1;
/* Detect default ffmpeg settings and terminate with an error. */
if( b_open )
......@@ -1818,6 +1853,9 @@ static int encoder_try_reconfig( x264_t *h, x264_param_t *param, int *rc_reconfi
COPY( i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 );
COPY( i_deblocking_filter_beta );
COPY( i_frame_packing );
COPY( mastering_display );
COPY( content_light_level );
COPY( i_alternative_transfer );
COPY( analyse.inter );
COPY( analyse.intra );
COPY( analyse.i_direct_mv_pred );
......@@ -3691,6 +3729,33 @@ int x264_encoder_encode( x264_t *h,
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->param.mastering_display.b_mastering_display )
x264_sei_mastering_display_write( h, &h-> );
if( nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->param.content_light_level.b_cll )
x264_sei_content_light_level_write( h, &h-> );
if( nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->param.i_alternative_transfer != 2 )
x264_sei_alternative_transfer_write( h, &h-> );
if( nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->param.i_frame_packing >= 0 && (h->fenc->b_keyframe || h->param.i_frame_packing == 5) )
......@@ -3702,15 +3767,6 @@ int x264_encoder_encode( x264_t *h,
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
if( h->param.i_alternative_transfer != 2 )
x264_sei_alternative_transfer_write( h, &h-> );
if( nal_end( h ) )
return -1;
overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;
/* generate sei pic timing */
if( h->sps->vui.b_pic_struct_present || h->sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )
......@@ -703,6 +703,48 @@ void x264_sei_frame_packing_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
x264_sei_write( s, tmp_buf, bs_pos( &q ) / 8, SEI_FRAME_PACKING );
void x264_sei_mastering_display_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
bs_t q;
ALIGNED_4( uint8_t tmp_buf[100] );
M32( tmp_buf ) = 0; // shut up gcc
bs_init( &q, tmp_buf, 100 );
bs_realign( &q );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.mastering_display.i_green_x );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.mastering_display.i_green_y );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.mastering_display.i_blue_x );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.mastering_display.i_blue_y );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.mastering_display.i_red_x );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.mastering_display.i_red_y );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.mastering_display.i_white_x );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.mastering_display.i_white_y );
bs_write32( &q, h->param.mastering_display.i_display_max );
bs_write32( &q, h->param.mastering_display.i_display_min );
bs_align_10( &q );
x264_sei_write( s, tmp_buf, bs_pos( &q ) / 8, SEI_MASTERING_DISPLAY );
void x264_sei_content_light_level_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
bs_t q;
ALIGNED_4( uint8_t tmp_buf[100] );
M32( tmp_buf ) = 0; // shut up gcc
bs_init( &q, tmp_buf, 100 );
bs_realign( &q );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.content_light_level.i_max_cll );
bs_write( &q, 16, h->param.content_light_level.i_max_fall );
bs_align_10( &q );
x264_sei_write( s, tmp_buf, bs_pos( &q ) / 8, SEI_CONTENT_LIGHT_LEVEL );
void x264_sei_alternative_transfer_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s )
bs_t q;
......@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ void x264_sei_pic_timing_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s );
void x264_sei_dec_ref_pic_marking_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s );
#define x264_sei_frame_packing_write x264_template(sei_frame_packing_write)
void x264_sei_frame_packing_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s );
#define x264_sei_mastering_display_write x264_template(sei_mastering_display_write)
void x264_sei_mastering_display_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s );
#define x264_sei_content_light_level_write x264_template(sei_content_light_level_write)
void x264_sei_content_light_level_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s );
#define x264_sei_alternative_transfer_write x264_template(sei_alternative_transfer_write)
void x264_sei_alternative_transfer_write( x264_t *h, bs_t *s );
#define x264_sei_avcintra_umid_write x264_template(sei_avcintra_umid_write)
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/dict.h>
#include <libavutil/error.h>
#include <libavutil/mem.h>
......@@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ typedef struct
} y4m_hnd_t;
#define Y4M_MAGIC "YUV4MPEG2"
#define MAX_YUV4_HEADER 80
#define Y4M_MAX_HEADER 256
static int parse_csp_and_depth( char *csp_name, int *bit_depth )
......@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, c
y4m_hnd_t *h = calloc( 1, sizeof(y4m_hnd_t) );
int i;
uint32_t n, d;
char header[MAX_YUV4_HEADER+10];
char header[Y4M_MAX_HEADER+10];
char *tokend, *header_end;
int colorspace = X264_CSP_NONE;
int alt_colorspace = X264_CSP_NONE;
......@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, c
return -1;
/* Read header */
for( i = 0; i < MAX_YUV4_HEADER; i++ )
for( i = 0; i < Y4M_MAX_HEADER; i++ )
header[i] = fgetc( h->fh );
if( header[i] == '\n' )
......@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, c
FAIL_IF_ERROR( strncmp( header, Y4M_MAGIC, sizeof(Y4M_MAGIC)-1 ), "bad sequence header magic\n" );
FAIL_IF_ERROR( i == MAX_YUV4_HEADER, "bad sequence header length\n" );
FAIL_IF_ERROR( i == Y4M_MAX_HEADER, "bad sequence header length\n" );
/* Scan properties */
header_end = &header[i+1]; /* Include space */
......@@ -173,6 +172,15 @@ static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, c
tokstart += 6;
alt_colorspace = parse_csp_and_depth( tokstart, &alt_bit_depth );
else if( !strncmp( "COLORRANGE=", tokstart, 11 ) )
/* ffmpeg's color range extension */
tokstart += 11;
if( !strncmp( "FULL", tokstart, 4 ) )
info->fullrange = 1;
else if( !strncmp( "LIMITED", tokstart, 7 ) )
info->fullrange = 0;
tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );
......@@ -217,9 +225,9 @@ static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, c
/* Find out the length of the frame header */
size_t len = 1;
while( len <= MAX_FRAME_HEADER && fgetc( h->fh ) != '\n' )
while( len <= Y4M_MAX_HEADER && fgetc( h->fh ) != '\n' )
FAIL_IF_ERROR( len > MAX_FRAME_HEADER || len < sizeof(Y4M_FRAME_MAGIC), "bad frame header length\n" );
FAIL_IF_ERROR( len > Y4M_MAX_HEADER || len < sizeof(Y4M_FRAME_MAGIC), "bad frame header length\n" );
h->frame_header_len = len;
h->frame_size += len;
......@@ -264,9 +272,9 @@ static int read_frame_internal( cli_pic_t *pic, y4m_hnd_t *h, int bit_depth_uc )
header = header_buf;
if( fread( header, 1, slen, h->fh ) != slen )
return -1;
while( i <= MAX_FRAME_HEADER && fgetc( h->fh ) != '\n' )
while( i <= Y4M_MAX_HEADER && fgetc( h->fh ) != '\n' )
FAIL_IF_ERROR( i > MAX_FRAME_HEADER, "bad frame header length\n" );
FAIL_IF_ERROR( i > Y4M_MAX_HEADER, "bad frame header length\n" );
FAIL_IF_ERROR( memcmp( header, Y4M_FRAME_MAGIC, slen ), "bad frame header magic\n" );
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
#include <gpac/version.h>
#include <gpac/isomedia.h>
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ REALIGN_STACK int main( int argc, char **argv )
static char const *strtable_lookup( const char * const table[], int idx )
int i = 0; while( table[i] ) i++;
return ( ( idx >= 0 && idx < i ) ? table[ idx ] : "???" );
return ( idx >= 0 && idx < i && *table[idx] ) ? table[idx] : "???";
static char *stringify_names( char *buf, const char * const names[] )
......@@ -423,11 +423,12 @@ static char *stringify_names( char *buf, const char * const names[] )
int i = 0;
char *p = buf;
for( p[0] = 0; names[i]; i++ )
p += sprintf( p, "%s", names[i] );
if( names[i+1] )
p += sprintf( p, ", " );
if( *names[i] )
if( p != buf )
p += sprintf( p, ", " );
p += sprintf( p, "%s", names[i] );
return buf;
......@@ -478,7 +479,7 @@ static void print_csp_names( int longhelp )
static void help( x264_param_t *defaults, int longhelp )
char buf[50];
char buf[200];
#define H0 printf
#define H1 if( longhelp >= 1 ) printf
#define H2 if( longhelp == 2 ) printf
......@@ -711,7 +712,7 @@ static void help( x264_param_t *defaults, int longhelp )
H0( " --bff Enable interlaced mode (bottom field first)\n" );
H2( " --constrained-intra Enable constrained intra prediction.\n" );
H0( " --pulldown <string> Use soft pulldown to change frame rate\n"
" - none, 22, 32, 64, double, triple, euro (requires cfr input)\n" );
" - %s (requires cfr input)\n", stringify_names( buf, x264_pulldown_names ) );
H2( " --fake-interlaced Flag stream as interlaced but encode progressive.\n"
" Makes it possible to encode 25p and 30p Blu-Ray\n"
" streams. Ignored in interlaced mode.\n" );
......@@ -873,6 +874,10 @@ static void help( x264_param_t *defaults, int longhelp )
strtable_lookup( x264_colmatrix_names, defaults->vui.i_colmatrix ) );
H2( " --chromaloc <integer> Specify chroma sample location (0 to 5) [%d]\n",
defaults->vui.i_chroma_loc );
H2( " --mastering-display <string> Specify 'G(x,y)B(x,y)R(x,y)WP(x,y)L(max,min)'\n"
" for primaries, white point, and display brightness\n" );
H2( " --cll <string> Specify 'max_content,max_frame_average' content\n"
" light levels\n" );
H2( " --alternative-transfer <string> Specify an alternative transfer\n"
" characteristics [\"%s\"]\n"
" - same values as --transfer\n",
......@@ -1006,173 +1011,175 @@ typedef enum
static char short_options[] = "8A:B:b:f:hI:i:m:o:p:q:r:t:Vvw";
static struct option long_options[] =
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
{ "longhelp", no_argument, NULL, OPT_LONGHELP },
{ "fullhelp", no_argument, NULL, OPT_FULLHELP },
{ "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' },
{ "profile", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PROFILE },
{ "preset", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PRESET },
{ "tune", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TUNE },
{ "slow-firstpass", no_argument, NULL, OPT_SLOWFIRSTPASS },
{ "bitrate", required_argument, NULL, 'B' },
{ "bframes", required_argument, NULL, 'b' },
{ "b-adapt", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-b-adapt", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "b-bias", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "b-pyramid", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "open-gop", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "bluray-compat", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "avcintra-class", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "avcintra-flavor", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "min-keyint", required_argument, NULL, 'i' },
{ "keyint", required_argument, NULL, 'I' },
{ "intra-refresh", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "scenecut", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-scenecut", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "nf", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-deblock", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "filter", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "deblock", required_argument, NULL, 'f' },
{ "interlaced", no_argument, NULL, OPT_INTERLACED },
{ "tff", no_argument, NULL, OPT_INTERLACED },
{ "bff", no_argument, NULL, OPT_INTERLACED },
{ "no-interlaced", no_argument, NULL, OPT_INTERLACED },
{ "constrained-intra", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cabac", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-cabac", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qp", required_argument, NULL, 'q' },
{ "qpmin", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpmax", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpstep", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "crf", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "rc-lookahead",required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ref", required_argument, NULL, 'r' },
{ "asm", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-asm", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "opencl", no_argument, NULL, 1 },
{ "opencl-clbin",required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "opencl-device",required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "sar", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "fps", required_argument, NULL, OPT_FPS },
{ "frames", required_argument, NULL, OPT_FRAMES },
{ "seek", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SEEK },
{ "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' },
{ "muxer", required_argument, NULL, OPT_MUXER },
{ "demuxer", required_argument, NULL, OPT_DEMUXER },
{ "stdout", required_argument, NULL, OPT_MUXER },
{ "stdin", required_argument, NULL, OPT_DEMUXER },
{ "index", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INDEX },
{ "analyse", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "partitions", required_argument, NULL, 'A' },
{ "direct", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "weightb", no_argument, NULL, 'w' },
{ "no-weightb", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "weightp", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "me", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "merange", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mvrange", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mvrange-thread", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "subme", required_argument, NULL, 'm' },
{ "psy-rd", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-psy", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "psy", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mixed-refs", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-mixed-refs", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-chroma-me", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "8x8dct", no_argument, NULL, '8' },
{ "no-8x8dct", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "trellis", required_argument, NULL, 't' },
{ "fast-pskip", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-fast-pskip", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-dct-decimate", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aq-strength", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aq-mode", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "deadzone-inter", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "deadzone-intra", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "level", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ratetol", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-maxrate", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-bufsize", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-init", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "crf-max", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ipratio", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pbratio", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "chroma-qp-offset", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pass", required_argument, NULL, 'p' },
{ "stats", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qcomp", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mbtree", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-mbtree", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qblur", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cplxblur", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "zones", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpfile", required_argument, NULL, OPT_QPFILE },
{ "threads", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "lookahead-threads", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "sliced-threads", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-sliced-threads", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slice-max-size", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slice-max-mbs", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slice-min-mbs", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slices", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slices-max", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "thread-input", no_argument, NULL, OPT_THREAD_INPUT },
{ "sync-lookahead", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "non-deterministic", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cpu-independent", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "psnr", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ssim", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "quiet", no_argument, NULL, OPT_QUIET },
{ "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' },
{ "log-level", required_argument, NULL, OPT_LOG_LEVEL },
{ "no-progress", no_argument, NULL, OPT_NOPROGRESS },
{ "dump-yuv", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "sps-id", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aud", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "nr", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqmfile", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4i", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4iy", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4ic", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4p", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4py", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4pc", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8i", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8p", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "overscan", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "videoformat", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "range", required_argument, NULL, OPT_RANGE },
{ "colorprim", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "transfer", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "colormatrix", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "chromaloc", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "force-cfr", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "tcfile-in", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TCFILE_IN },
{ "tcfile-out", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TCFILE_OUT },
{ "timebase", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TIMEBASE },
{ "pic-struct", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "crop-rect", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "nal-hrd", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pulldown", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PULLDOWN },
{ "fake-interlaced", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "frame-packing", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
{ "longhelp", no_argument, NULL, OPT_LONGHELP },
{ "fullhelp", no_argument, NULL, OPT_FULLHELP },
{ "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' },
{ "profile", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PROFILE },
{ "preset", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PRESET },
{ "tune", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TUNE },
{ "slow-firstpass", no_argument, NULL, OPT_SLOWFIRSTPASS },
{ "bitrate", required_argument, NULL, 'B' },
{ "bframes", required_argument, NULL, 'b' },
{ "b-adapt", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-b-adapt", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "b-bias", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "b-pyramid", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "open-gop", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "bluray-compat", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "avcintra-class", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "avcintra-flavor", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "min-keyint", required_argument, NULL, 'i' },
{ "keyint", required_argument, NULL, 'I' },
{ "intra-refresh", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "scenecut", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-scenecut", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "nf", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-deblock", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "filter", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "deblock", required_argument, NULL, 'f' },
{ "interlaced", no_argument, NULL, OPT_INTERLACED },
{ "tff", no_argument, NULL, OPT_INTERLACED },
{ "bff", no_argument, NULL, OPT_INTERLACED },
{ "no-interlaced", no_argument, NULL, OPT_INTERLACED },
{ "constrained-intra", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cabac", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-cabac", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qp", required_argument, NULL, 'q' },
{ "qpmin", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpmax", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpstep", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "crf", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "rc-lookahead", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ref", required_argument, NULL, 'r' },
{ "asm", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-asm", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "opencl", no_argument, NULL, 1 },
{ "opencl-clbin", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "opencl-device", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "sar", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "fps", required_argument, NULL, OPT_FPS },
{ "frames", required_argument, NULL, OPT_FRAMES },
{ "seek", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SEEK },
{ "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' },
{ "muxer", required_argument, NULL, OPT_MUXER },
{ "demuxer", required_argument, NULL, OPT_DEMUXER },
{ "stdout", required_argument, NULL, OPT_MUXER },
{ "stdin", required_argument, NULL, OPT_DEMUXER },
{ "index", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INDEX },
{ "analyse", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "partitions", required_argument, NULL, 'A' },
{ "direct", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "weightb", no_argument, NULL, 'w' },
{ "no-weightb", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "weightp", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "me", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "merange", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mvrange", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mvrange-thread", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "subme", required_argument, NULL, 'm' },
{ "psy-rd", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-psy", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "psy", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mixed-refs", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-mixed-refs", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-chroma-me", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "8x8dct", no_argument, NULL, '8' },
{ "no-8x8dct", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "trellis", required_argument, NULL, 't' },
{ "fast-pskip", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-fast-pskip", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-dct-decimate", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aq-strength", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aq-mode", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "deadzone-inter", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "deadzone-intra", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "level", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ratetol", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-maxrate", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-bufsize", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-init", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "crf-max", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ipratio", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pbratio", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "chroma-qp-offset", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pass", required_argument, NULL, 'p' },
{ "stats", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qcomp", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mbtree", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-mbtree", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qblur", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cplxblur", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "zones", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpfile", required_argument, NULL, OPT_QPFILE },
{ "threads", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "lookahead-threads", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "sliced-threads", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-sliced-threads", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slice-max-size", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slice-max-mbs", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slice-min-mbs", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slices", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "slices-max", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "thread-input", no_argument, NULL, OPT_THREAD_INPUT },
{ "sync-lookahead", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "non-deterministic", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cpu-independent", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "psnr", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ssim", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "quiet", no_argument, NULL, OPT_QUIET },
{ "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' },
{ "log-level", required_argument, NULL, OPT_LOG_LEVEL },
{ "no-progress", no_argument, NULL, OPT_NOPROGRESS },
{ "dump-yuv", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "sps-id", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aud", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "nr", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqmfile", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4i", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4iy", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4ic", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4p", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4py", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4pc", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8i", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8p", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "overscan", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "videoformat", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "range", required_argument, NULL, OPT_RANGE },
{ "colorprim", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "transfer", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "colormatrix", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "chromaloc", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "force-cfr", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "tcfile-in", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TCFILE_IN },
{ "tcfile-out", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TCFILE_OUT },
{ "timebase", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TIMEBASE },
{ "pic-struct", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "crop-rect", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "nal-hrd", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pulldown", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PULLDOWN },
{ "fake-interlaced", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "frame-packing", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mastering-display", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cll", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "alternative-transfer", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vf", required_argument, NULL, OPT_VIDEO_FILTER },
{ "video-filter", required_argument, NULL, OPT_VIDEO_FILTER },
{ "input-fmt", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_FMT },
{ "input-res", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_RES },
{ "input-csp", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_CSP },
{ "input-depth", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_DEPTH },
{ "output-depth", required_argument, NULL, OPT_OUTPUT_DEPTH },
{ "dts-compress", no_argument, NULL, OPT_DTS_COMPRESSION },
{ "output-csp", required_argument, NULL, OPT_OUTPUT_CSP },
{ "input-range", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_RANGE },
{ "stitchable", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "filler", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{0, 0, 0, 0}
{ "vf", required_argument, NULL, OPT_VIDEO_FILTER },
{ "video-filter", required_argument, NULL, OPT_VIDEO_FILTER },
{ "input-fmt", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_FMT },
{ "input-res", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_RES },
{ "input-csp", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_CSP },
{ "input-depth", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_DEPTH },
{ "output-depth", required_argument, NULL, OPT_OUTPUT_DEPTH },
{ "dts-compress", no_argument, NULL, OPT_DTS_COMPRESSION },
{ "output-csp", required_argument, NULL, OPT_OUTPUT_CSP },
{ "input-range", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INPUT_RANGE },
{ "stitchable", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "filler", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
static int select_output( const char *muxer, char *filename, x264_param_t *param )
......@@ -1357,7 +1364,7 @@ static int init_vid_filters( char *sequence, hnd_t *handle, video_info_t *info,
static int parse_enum_name( const char *arg, const char * const *names, const char **dst )
for( int i = 0; names[i]; i++ )
if( !strcasecmp( arg, names[i] ) )
if( *names[i] && !strcasecmp( arg, names[i] ) )
*dst = names[i];
return 0;
......@@ -1368,7 +1375,7 @@ static int parse_enum_name( const char *arg, const char * const *names, const ch
static int parse_enum_value( const char *arg, const char * const *names, int *dst )
for( int i = 0; names[i]; i++ )
if( !strcasecmp( arg, names[i] ) )
if( *names[i] && !strcasecmp( arg, names[i] ) )
*dst = i;
return 0;
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include "x264_config.h"
#define X264_BUILD 161
#define X264_BUILD 163
#ifdef _WIN32
# define X264_DLL_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
......@@ -485,6 +485,31 @@ typedef struct x264_param_t
/* frame packing arrangement flag */
int i_frame_packing;
/* mastering display SEI: Primary and white point chromaticity coordinates
in 0.00002 increments. Brightness units are 0.0001 cd/m^2. */
int b_mastering_display; /* enable writing this SEI */
int i_green_x;
int i_green_y;
int i_blue_x;
int i_blue_y;
int i_red_x;
int i_red_y;
int i_white_x;
int i_white_y;
int64_t i_display_max;
int64_t i_display_min;
} mastering_display;
/* content light level SEI */
int b_cll; /* enable writing this SEI */
int i_max_cll;
int i_max_fall;
} content_light_level;
/* alternative transfer SEI */
int i_alternative_transfer;