/***************************************************************************** * vlm.hpp : VLM Management **************************************************************************** * Copyright ( C ) 2006 the VideoLAN team * $Id$ * * Authors: Jean-François Massol <jf.massol@gmail.com> * Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb@videolan.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * ( at your option ) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef QVLC_VLM_DIALOG_H_ #define QVLC_VLM_DIALOG_H_ 1 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VLM #include <vlc_vlm.h> #include "ui/vlm.h" #include "util/qvlcframe.hpp" #include "util/singleton.hpp" #include <QDateTime> enum{ QVLM_Broadcast, QVLM_Schedule, QVLM_VOD }; enum{ ControlBroadcastPlay, ControlBroadcastPause, ControlBroadcastStop, ControlBroadcastSeek }; class QComboBox; class QVBoxLayout; class QLabel; class QGridLayout; class QToolButton; class QGroupBox; class QDateTimeEdit; class QSpinBox; class VLMAWidget; class VLMWrapper; class VLMDialog : public QVLCFrame, public Singleton<VLMDialog> { Q_OBJECT public: void toggleVisible(); VLMWrapper *vlmWrapper; vlm_t *p_vlm; private: VLMDialog( intf_thread_t * ); virtual ~VLMDialog(); Ui::Vlm ui; QString inputOptions; QList<VLMAWidget *> vlmItems; int currentIndex; QVBoxLayout *vlmItemLayout; QWidget *vlmItemWidget; QComboBox *mediatype; QDateTimeEdit *time, *date, *repeatTime; QSpinBox *scherepeatnumber, *repeatDays; bool isNameGenuine( const QString& ); void mediasPopulator(); public slots: void removeVLMItem( VLMAWidget * ); void startModifyVLMItem( VLMAWidget * ); private slots: void addVLMItem(); void clearWidgets(); void saveModifications(); void showScheduleWidget( int ); void selectVLMItem( int ); void selectInput(); void selectOutput(); bool exportVLMConf(); bool importVLMConf(); friend class Singleton<VLMDialog>; }; class VLMWrapper { public: VLMWrapper( vlm_t * ); virtual ~VLMWrapper(); static int GetMedias( vlm_media_t **& ); static void AddBroadcast( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, bool b_enabled = true, bool b_loop = false ); static void EditBroadcast( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, bool b_enabled = true, bool b_loop = false ); static void EditSchedule( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, QDateTime _schetime, QDateTime _schedate, int _scherepeatnumber, int _repeatDays, bool b_enabled = true, const QString& mux = "" ); static void AddVod( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, bool b_enabled = true, const QString& mux = "" ); static void EditVod( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, bool b_enabled = true, const QString& mux = "" ); static void AddSchedule( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, QDateTime _schetime, QDateTime _schedate, int _scherepeatnumber, int _repeatDays, bool b_enabled = true, const QString& mux = "" ); static void ControlBroadcast( const QString&, int, unsigned int seek = 0 ); static void EnableItem( const QString&, bool ); static void SaveConfig( const QString& ); static bool LoadConfig( const QString& ); private: static vlm_t *p_vlm; }; class VLMAWidget : public QGroupBox { Q_OBJECT friend class VLMDialog; public: VLMAWidget( const QString& name, const QString& input, const QString& inputOptions, const QString& output, bool _enable, VLMDialog *parent, int _type = QVLM_Broadcast ); virtual void update() = 0; protected: QLabel *nameLabel; QString name; QString input; QString inputOptions; QString output; bool b_enabled; int type; VLMDialog *parent; QGridLayout *objLayout; private slots: virtual void modify(); virtual void del(); virtual void toggleEnabled( bool ); }; class VLMBroadcast : public VLMAWidget { Q_OBJECT friend class VLMDialog; public: VLMBroadcast( const QString& name, const QString& input, const QString& inputOptions, const QString& output, bool _enable, bool _loop, VLMDialog *parent ); void update() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; private: bool b_looped; bool b_playing; QToolButton *loopButton, *playButton; private slots: void stop(); void togglePlayPause(); void toggleLoop(); }; class VLMVod : public VLMAWidget { Q_OBJECT friend class VLMDialog; public: VLMVod( const QString& name, const QString& input, const QString& inputOptions, const QString& output, bool _enable, const QString& _mux, VLMDialog *parent ); void update(); private: QString mux; QLabel *muxLabel; }; class VLMSchedule : public VLMAWidget { Q_OBJECT friend class VLMDialog; public: VLMSchedule( const QString& name, const QString& input, const QString& inputOptions, const QString& output, QDateTime schetime, QDateTime schedate, int repeatnumber, int repeatdays, bool enabled, VLMDialog *parent ); void update(); private: QDateTime schetime; QDateTime schedate; int rNumber; int rDays; }; #endif #endif