#!/bin/sh set -e usage() { cat << EOF usage: $0 <archive> Fetch and archive all dependencies from a Rust archive using 'cargo vendor'. EOF } if [ "x$1" = "x" ]; then usage exit 1 fi # Setup cargo path CARGO= if [ -d "$(dirname $0)/bin/.cargo" ];then CARGO_HOME=$(cd $(dirname $0)/bin/.cargo && pwd) CARGO="CARGO_HOME=\"${CARGO_HOME}\" \"${CARGO_HOME}/bin/cargo\"" else CARGO=cargo fi # Extract archive into a tmp dir TMP_DIR=.tmp-$(basename $1) rm -rf ${TMP_DIR} mkdir ${TMP_DIR} tar xf "$1" -C ${TMP_DIR} cd ${TMP_DIR}/* # Fetch all dependencies eval ${CARGO} vendor --locked # Archive all dependencies name=$(basename `pwd`)-vendor tar -jcf "../../${name}.tar.bz2" vendor --transform "s,vendor,${name}," cd ../.. rm -rf ${TMP_DIR} echo "" echo "Please upload this package '${name}.tar.bz2' to our VideoLAN FTP," echo "" echo "and write the following checksum into the contrib/src/<project>/cargo-vendor-SHA512SUMS:" echo "" sha512sum ${name}.tar.bz2