Unable to download playable item over upnp
When browsing files shared by XBMC using UPnP, it shows in the list with correct size and I can click on it to start play the item. However, when I click the "download arrow" on the right, I get a popup stating "Fileformat not supported" "The fileformat which uses is not supported by this version of VLC for iOS" (Note the popup is translated so it might not be the exact wording.
If I capture the traffic I can see that the file has a protocolInfo="http-get::video/bin:" in the ContentDirectory:1 BrowseResponse.
Since it is possible to play the file, I would expect downloading to work. Perhaps change it to just a warning "It might not be possible to playback the item once downloaded, are you sure you want to download it anyway?
XBMC Media Center 13.0-BETA2 Git:a1cab7a VLC for iOS 2.2.2