diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index f79d436820373f44393f73be6a2d9ac570b7e545..cb3ad9e4e543a00f2c4da0e55f636d6955913fcd 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Decoder:
  * OpenMax IL improvements, notably for RaspberryPi
  * Fix channel ordering of LPCM codec in m2ts files
  * New jpeg image decoder
+ * Add tx3g subtitles decoder
  * Support for MPEG-2 encoding using x262
diff --git a/include/vlc_fourcc.h b/include/vlc_fourcc.h
index 8af8d419790c944415ff342941fcf76d705a4add..46903eabb5ae875787036ceb7932a76e6f87e73e 100644
--- a/include/vlc_fourcc.h
+++ b/include/vlc_fourcc.h
@@ -416,6 +416,7 @@
 #define VLC_CODEC_USF       VLC_FOURCC('u','s','f',' ')
 #define VLC_CODEC_OGT       VLC_FOURCC('o','g','t',' ')
 #define VLC_CODEC_CVD       VLC_FOURCC('c','v','d',' ')
+#define VLC_CODEC_TX3G      VLC_FOURCC('t','x','3','g')
 /* Blu-ray Presentation Graphics */
 #define VLC_CODEC_BD_PG     VLC_FOURCC('b','d','p','g')
 /* EBU STL (TECH. 3264-E) */
diff --git a/modules/MODULES_LIST b/modules/MODULES_LIST
index c6a8fba037803650c0d840a7e67737c4b680c0b2..c860098d705696a9b67cc073e406877e5c8b597d 100644
--- a/modules/MODULES_LIST
+++ b/modules/MODULES_LIST
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ $Id$
  * stream_out_transcode: audio & video transcoder
  * subsdec: a codec to output textual subtitles
  * subsdelay: subtitles delay filter
+ * substx3g: tx3g styled subtitles decoder
  * subsusf: a demuxer for USF subtitles
  * subtitle: a demuxer for subtitle files
  * svcdsub: SVCD subtitles decoder
diff --git a/modules/codec/Makefile.am b/modules/codec/Makefile.am
index d1d7332f06d671c49ac90e91defad3d361f01f2a..14a53fd967665dcb84eaaed16ab424625399be3b 100644
--- a/modules/codec/Makefile.am
+++ b/modules/codec/Makefile.am
@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ endif
 EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES += libzvbi_plugin.la
 codec_LTLIBRARIES += $(LTLIBzvbi)
+libsubstx3g_plugin_la_SOURCES = codec/substx3g.c codec/substext.h
+codec_LTLIBRARIES += libsubstx3g_plugin.la
 ### Xiph ###
diff --git a/modules/codec/substext.h b/modules/codec/substext.h
index fe5df95350e3ac0cb4ccdbb4d5aa2dcd17939026..05129e3e7f0424ec8b8e1b1264130c542db4db0f 100644
--- a/modules/codec/substext.h
+++ b/modules/codec/substext.h
@@ -1,18 +1,164 @@
+#include <vlc_strings.h>
+typedef struct
+    bool b_set;
+    unsigned int i_value;
+} subpicture_updater_sys_option_t;
+typedef struct segment_t segment_t;
+typedef struct
+    uint8_t i_fontsize;
+    uint32_t i_color;   //ARGB
+    uint8_t i_flags;
+} segment_style_t;
+struct segment_t
+    char *psz_string;
+    unsigned int i_size;
+    segment_t *p_next;
+    /* styles applied to that segment */
+    segment_style_t styles;
 struct subpicture_updater_sys_t {
     char *text;
     char *html;
+    segment_t *p_htmlsegments;
     int  align;
     int  x;
     int  y;
     int  i_font_height_percent;
+    int  i_font_height_abs_to_src;
     bool is_fixed;
     int  fixed_width;
     int  fixed_height;
     bool renderbg;
+    /* styling */
+    subpicture_updater_sys_option_t style_flags;
+    subpicture_updater_sys_option_t font_color;
+    subpicture_updater_sys_option_t background_color;
+    int16_t i_alpha;
+    int16_t i_drop_shadow;
+    int16_t i_drop_shadow_alpha;
+static void SegmentFree( segment_t *p_segment )
+    if ( p_segment )
+    {
+        free( p_segment->psz_string );
+        free( p_segment );
+    }
+static void MakeHtmlNewLines( char **ppsz_src )
+    unsigned int i_nlcount = 0;
+    unsigned i_len = strlen( *ppsz_src );
+    if ( i_len == 0 ) return;
+    for ( unsigned i=0; i<i_len; i++ )
+        if ( (*ppsz_src)[i] == '\n' )
+            i_nlcount++;
+    if ( !i_nlcount ) return;
+    char *psz_dst = malloc( i_len + 1 + (i_nlcount * 4) );
+    char *ptr = psz_dst;
+    for ( unsigned i=0; i<i_len; i++ )
+    {
+        if ( (*ppsz_src)[i] == '\n' )
+        {
+            strcpy( ptr, "<br/>" );
+            ptr += 5;
+        } else {
+            *ptr++ = (*ppsz_src)[i];
+        }
+    }
+    *ptr = 0;
+    free( *ppsz_src );
+    *ppsz_src = psz_dst;
+static void HtmlAppend( char **ppsz_dst, const char *psz_src,
+                        const segment_style_t *p_styles, const float f_scale )
+    if ( !ppsz_dst ) return;
+    int i_ignore; VLC_UNUSED(i_ignore);
+    char *psz_subtext = NULL;
+    char *psz_text = NULL;
+    char *psz_fontsize = NULL;
+    char *psz_color = NULL;
+    char *psz_encoded = convert_xml_special_chars( psz_src );
+    if ( !psz_encoded ) return;
+    MakeHtmlNewLines( &psz_encoded );
+    if ( p_styles->i_color & 0xFF000000 ) //ARGB
+        i_ignore = asprintf( &psz_color, " color=\"#%6x\"",
+                             p_styles->i_color & 0x00FFFFFF );
+    if ( p_styles->i_fontsize > 0 && f_scale > 0 )
+        i_ignore = asprintf( &psz_fontsize, " size=\"%u\"",
+                             (unsigned) (f_scale * p_styles->i_fontsize) );
+    i_ignore = asprintf( &psz_subtext, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
+                        ( p_styles->i_flags & STYLE_UNDERLINE ) ? "<u>" : "",
+                        ( p_styles->i_flags & STYLE_BOLD ) ? "<b>" : "",
+                        ( p_styles->i_flags & STYLE_ITALIC ) ? "<i>" : "",
+                          psz_encoded,
+                        ( p_styles->i_flags & STYLE_ITALIC ) ? "</i>" : "",
+                        ( p_styles->i_flags & STYLE_BOLD ) ? "</b>" : "",
+                        ( p_styles->i_flags & STYLE_UNDERLINE ) ? "</u>" : ""
+                        );
+    if ( psz_color || psz_fontsize )
+    {
+        i_ignore = asprintf( &psz_text, "<font%s%s>%s</font>",
+                            psz_color ? psz_color : "",
+                            psz_fontsize ? psz_fontsize : "",
+                            psz_subtext );
+        free( psz_subtext );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        psz_text = psz_subtext;
+    }
+    free( psz_fontsize );
+    free( psz_color );
+    if ( *ppsz_dst )
+    {
+        char *psz_dst = *ppsz_dst;
+        i_ignore = asprintf( ppsz_dst, "%s%s", psz_dst, psz_text );
+        free( psz_dst );
+        free( psz_text );
+    }
+    else
+        *ppsz_dst = psz_text;
+static char *SegmentsToHtml( segment_t *p_head, const float f_scale )
+    char *psz_dst = NULL;
+    char *psz_ret = NULL;
+    while( p_head )
+    {
+        HtmlAppend( &psz_dst, p_head->psz_string, &p_head->styles, f_scale );
+        p_head = p_head->p_next;
+    }
+    int i_ignore = asprintf( &psz_ret, "<text>%s</text>", psz_dst );
+    VLC_UNUSED( i_ignore );
+    free( psz_dst );
+    return psz_ret;
 static int SubpictureTextValidate(subpicture_t *subpic,
                                   bool has_src_changed, const video_format_t *fmt_src,
                                   bool has_dst_changed, const video_format_t *fmt_dst,
@@ -59,7 +205,13 @@ static void SubpictureTextUpdate(subpicture_t *subpic,
     r->psz_text = sys->text ? strdup(sys->text) : NULL;
-    r->psz_html = sys->html ? strdup(sys->html) : NULL;
+    if ( sys->p_htmlsegments )
+        r->psz_html = SegmentsToHtml( sys->p_htmlsegments,
+                                      (float) fmt_dst->i_height / fmt_src->i_height );
+    else if ( sys->html )
+        r->psz_html = strdup(sys->html);
+    else
+        r->psz_html = NULL;
     r->i_align  = sys->align;
     r->b_renderbg = sys->renderbg;
     if (!sys->is_fixed) {
@@ -84,16 +236,38 @@ static void SubpictureTextUpdate(subpicture_t *subpic,
         r->i_y = sys->y * fmt_dst->i_height / sys->fixed_height;
-    if (sys->i_font_height_percent != 0)
+    if (sys->i_font_height_percent || sys->i_alpha ||
+        sys->style_flags.b_set ||
+        sys->font_color.b_set ||
+        sys->background_color.b_set )
         r->p_style = text_style_New();
-        if (r->p_style)
+        if (!r->p_style) return;
+        if (sys->i_font_height_abs_to_src)
+            sys->i_font_height_percent = sys->i_font_height_abs_to_src * 100 /
+                                         fmt_src->i_visible_height;
+        if (sys->i_font_height_percent)
-	    r->p_style->i_font_size = sys->i_font_height_percent *
-	      subpic->i_original_picture_height / 100;
+            r->p_style->i_font_size = sys->i_font_height_percent *
+                                      subpic->i_original_picture_height / 100;
             r->p_style->i_font_color = 0xffffff;
             r->p_style->i_font_alpha = 0xff;
-	}
+        }
+        if (sys->style_flags.b_set)
+            r->p_style->i_style_flags = sys->style_flags.i_value;
+        if (sys->font_color.b_set)
+            r->p_style->i_font_color = sys->font_color.i_value;
+        if (sys->background_color.b_set)
+            r->p_style->i_background_color = sys->background_color.i_value;
+        if (sys->i_alpha)
+            r->p_style->i_font_alpha = sys->i_alpha;
+        if (sys->i_drop_shadow)
+            r->p_style->i_shadow_width = sys->i_drop_shadow;
+        if (sys->i_drop_shadow_alpha)
+            r->p_style->i_shadow_alpha = sys->i_drop_shadow_alpha;
 static void SubpictureTextDestroy(subpicture_t *subpic)
@@ -102,6 +276,12 @@ static void SubpictureTextDestroy(subpicture_t *subpic)
+    while( sys->p_htmlsegments )
+    {
+        segment_t *p_segment = sys->p_htmlsegments;
+        sys->p_htmlsegments = sys->p_htmlsegments->p_next;
+        SegmentFree( p_segment );
+    }
diff --git a/modules/codec/substx3g.c b/modules/codec/substx3g.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4464b896b00cf504fbdb09f0ab78e029bd529de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/codec/substx3g.c
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+ * substx3gsub.c : MP4 tx3g subtitles decoder
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+# include "config.h"
+#include <vlc_common.h>
+#include <vlc_plugin.h>
+#include <vlc_codec.h>
+#include <vlc_sout.h>
+#include "substext.h"
+ * Module descriptor.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int  Open ( vlc_object_t * );
+static subpicture_t *Decode( decoder_t *, block_t ** );
+vlc_module_begin ()
+    set_description( N_("tx3g subtitles decoder") )
+    set_shortname( N_("tx3g subtitles") )
+    set_capability( "decoder", 100 )
+    set_category( CAT_INPUT )
+    set_subcategory( SUBCAT_INPUT_SCODEC )
+    set_callbacks( Open, NULL )
+vlc_module_end ()
+ * Local structs
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Open: probe the decoder and return score
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+    decoder_t     *p_dec = (decoder_t *) p_this;
+    if( p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_TX3G )
+        return VLC_EGENERIC;
+    p_dec->pf_decode_sub = Decode;
+    p_dec->fmt_out.i_cat = SPU_ES;
+    p_dec->fmt_out.i_codec = 0;
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+ * Local:
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define FONT_FACE_BOLD      0x1
+#define FONT_FACE_ITALIC    0x2
+static int ConvertFlags( int i_atomflags )
+    int i_vlcstyles_flags = 0;
+    if ( i_atomflags & FONT_FACE_BOLD )
+        i_vlcstyles_flags |= STYLE_BOLD;
+    else if ( i_atomflags & FONT_FACE_ITALIC )
+        i_vlcstyles_flags |= STYLE_ITALIC;
+    else if ( i_atomflags & FONT_FACE_UNDERLINE )
+        i_vlcstyles_flags |= STYLE_UNDERLINE;
+    return i_vlcstyles_flags;
+static void SegmentDoSplit( segment_t *p_segment, uint16_t i_start, uint16_t i_end,
+                            segment_t **pp_segment_left,
+                            segment_t **pp_segment_middle,
+                            segment_t **pp_segment_right )
+    segment_t *p_segment_left = *pp_segment_left;
+    segment_t *p_segment_right = *pp_segment_right;
+    segment_t *p_segment_middle = *pp_segment_middle;
+    p_segment_left = p_segment_middle = p_segment_right = NULL;
+    if ( (p_segment->i_size - i_start < 1) || (p_segment->i_size - i_end < 1) )
+        return;
+    if ( i_start > 0 )
+    {
+        p_segment_left = calloc( 1, sizeof(segment_t) );
+        if ( !p_segment_left ) goto error;
+        memcpy( &p_segment_left->styles, &p_segment->styles, sizeof(segment_style_t) );
+        p_segment_left->psz_string = strndup( p_segment->psz_string, i_start );
+        p_segment_left->i_size = strlen( p_segment_left->psz_string );
+    }
+    p_segment_middle = calloc( 1, sizeof(segment_t) );
+    if ( !p_segment_middle ) goto error;
+    memcpy( &p_segment_middle->styles, &p_segment->styles, sizeof(segment_style_t) );
+    p_segment_middle->psz_string = strndup( p_segment->psz_string + i_start, i_end - i_start + 1 );
+    p_segment_middle->i_size = strlen( p_segment_middle->psz_string );
+    if ( i_end < (p_segment->i_size - 1) )
+    {
+        p_segment_right = calloc( 1, sizeof(segment_t) );
+        if ( !p_segment_right ) goto error;
+        memcpy( &p_segment_right->styles, &p_segment->styles, sizeof(segment_style_t) );
+        p_segment_right->psz_string = strndup( p_segment->psz_string + i_end + 1, p_segment->i_size - i_end - 1 );
+        p_segment_right->i_size = strlen( p_segment_right->psz_string );
+    }
+    if ( p_segment_left ) p_segment_left->p_next = p_segment_middle;
+    if ( p_segment_right ) p_segment_middle->p_next = p_segment_right;
+    *pp_segment_left = p_segment_left;
+    *pp_segment_middle = p_segment_middle;
+    *pp_segment_right = p_segment_right;
+    return;
+    SegmentFree( p_segment_left );
+    SegmentFree( p_segment_middle );
+    SegmentFree( p_segment_right );
+static bool SegmentSplit( segment_t *p_prev, segment_t **pp_segment,
+                          const uint16_t i_start, const uint16_t i_end,
+                          const segment_style_t *p_styles )
+    segment_t *p_segment_left = NULL, *p_segment_middle = NULL, *p_segment_right = NULL;
+    if ( (*pp_segment)->i_size == 0 ) return false;
+    if ( i_start > i_end ) return false;
+    if ( (size_t)(i_end - i_start) > (*pp_segment)->i_size - 1 ) return false;
+    if ( i_end > (*pp_segment)->i_size - 1 ) return false;
+    SegmentDoSplit( *pp_segment, i_start, i_end, &p_segment_left, &p_segment_middle, &p_segment_right );
+    if ( !p_segment_middle )
+    {
+        /* Failed */
+        SegmentFree( p_segment_left );
+        SegmentFree( p_segment_right );
+        return false;
+    }
+    segment_t *p_next = (*pp_segment)->p_next;
+    SegmentFree( *pp_segment );
+    *pp_segment = ( p_segment_left ) ? p_segment_left : p_segment_middle ;
+    if ( p_prev ) p_prev->p_next = *pp_segment;
+    if ( p_segment_right )
+        p_segment_right->p_next = p_next;
+    else
+        p_segment_middle->p_next = p_next;
+    p_segment_middle->styles = *p_styles;
+    return true;
+/* Creates a new segment using the given style and split existing ones according
+   to the start & end offsets */
+static void ApplySegmentStyle( segment_t **pp_segment, const uint16_t i_absstart,
+                               const uint16_t i_absend, const segment_style_t *p_styles )
+    /* find the matching segment */
+    uint16_t i_curstart = 0;
+    segment_t *p_prev = NULL;
+    segment_t *p_cur = *pp_segment;
+    while ( p_cur )
+    {
+        uint16_t i_curend = i_curstart + p_cur->i_size - 1;
+        if ( (i_absstart >= i_curstart) && (i_absend <= i_curend) )
+        {
+            /* segment found */
+            if ( !SegmentSplit( p_prev, &p_cur, i_absstart - i_curstart,
+                                i_absend - i_curstart, p_styles ) )
+                return;
+            if ( !p_prev ) *pp_segment = p_cur;
+            break;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            i_curstart += p_cur->i_size;
+            p_prev = p_cur;
+            p_cur = p_cur->p_next;
+        }
+    }
+ * Decode:
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static subpicture_t *Decode( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t **pp_block )
+    block_t       *p_block;
+    subpicture_t  *p_spu = NULL;
+    if( ( pp_block == NULL ) || ( *pp_block == NULL ) ) return NULL;
+    p_block = *pp_block;
+    *pp_block = NULL;
+    if( ( p_block->i_flags & (BLOCK_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY|BLOCK_FLAG_CORRUPTED) ) ||
+          p_block->i_buffer < sizeof(uint16_t) )
+    {
+        block_Release( p_block );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    uint8_t *p_buf = p_block->p_buffer;
+    /* Read our raw string and create the styled segment for HTML */
+    uint16_t i_psz_length = GetWBE( p_buf );
+    char *psz_subtitle = malloc( i_psz_length + 1 );
+    if ( !psz_subtitle ) return NULL;
+    memcpy( psz_subtitle, p_block->p_buffer + sizeof(uint16_t), i_psz_length );
+    psz_subtitle[ i_psz_length ] = '\0';
+    p_buf += i_psz_length + sizeof(uint16_t);
+    for( uint16_t i=0; i < i_psz_length; i++ )
+     if ( psz_subtitle[i] == '\r' ) psz_subtitle[i] = '\n';
+    segment_t *p_segment = calloc( 1, sizeof(segment_t) );
+    if ( !p_segment )
+    {
+        free( psz_subtitle );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p_segment->psz_string = strdup( psz_subtitle );
+    p_segment->i_size = strlen( psz_subtitle );
+    if ( p_dec->fmt_in.subs.p_style )
+    {
+        p_segment->styles.i_color = p_dec->fmt_in.subs.p_style->i_font_color;
+        p_segment->styles.i_color |= p_dec->fmt_in.subs.p_style->i_font_alpha << 24;
+        if ( p_dec->fmt_in.subs.p_style->i_style_flags )
+            p_segment->styles.i_flags = p_dec->fmt_in.subs.p_style->i_style_flags;
+        p_segment->styles.i_fontsize = p_dec->fmt_in.subs.p_style->i_font_size;
+    }
+    if ( !p_segment->psz_string )
+    {
+        SegmentFree( p_segment );
+        free( psz_subtitle );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* Create the subpicture unit */
+    p_spu = decoder_NewSubpictureText( p_dec );
+    if( !p_spu )
+    {
+        free( psz_subtitle );
+        SegmentFree( p_segment );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    subpicture_updater_sys_t *p_spu_sys = p_spu->updater.p_sys;
+    /* Parse our styles */
+    while( (size_t)(p_buf - p_block->p_buffer) + 8 < p_block->i_buffer )
+    {
+        uint32_t i_atomsize = GetDWBE( p_buf );
+        vlc_fourcc_t i_atomtype = VLC_FOURCC(p_buf[4],p_buf[5],p_buf[6],p_buf[7]);
+        p_buf += 8;
+        switch( i_atomtype )
+        {
+        case VLC_FOURCC('s','t','y','l'):
+        {
+            if ( (size_t)(p_buf - p_block->p_buffer) < 14 ) break;
+            uint16_t i_nbrecords = GetWBE(p_buf);
+            uint16_t i_cur_record = 0;
+            p_buf += 2;
+            while( i_cur_record++ < i_nbrecords )
+            {
+                if ( (size_t)(p_buf - p_block->p_buffer) < 12 ) break;
+                uint16_t i_start = __MIN( GetWBE(p_buf), i_psz_length - 1 );
+                uint16_t i_end =  __MIN( GetWBE(p_buf + 2), i_psz_length - 1 );
+                segment_style_t style;
+                style.i_flags = ConvertFlags( p_buf[6] );
+                style.i_fontsize = p_buf[7];
+                style.i_color = GetDWBE(p_buf+8) >> 8;// RGBA -> ARGB
+                style.i_color |= (GetDWBE(p_buf+8) & 0xFF) << 24;
+                ApplySegmentStyle( &p_segment, i_start, i_end, &style );
+                if ( i_nbrecords == 1 )
+                {
+                    if ( p_buf[6] )
+                    {
+                        p_spu_sys->style_flags.i_value = ConvertFlags( p_buf[6] );
+                        p_spu_sys->style_flags.b_set = true;
+                    }
+                    p_spu_sys->i_font_height_abs_to_src = p_buf[7];
+                    p_spu_sys->font_color.i_value = GetDWBE(p_buf+8) >> 8;// RGBA -> ARGB
+                    p_spu_sys->font_color.i_value |= (GetDWBE(p_buf+8) & 0xFF) << 24;
+                    p_spu_sys->font_color.b_set = true;
+                }
+                p_buf += 12;
+            }
+        }   break;
+        case VLC_FOURCC('d','r','p','o'):
+            if ( (size_t)(p_buf - p_block->p_buffer) < 4 ) break;
+            p_spu_sys->i_drop_shadow = __MAX( GetWBE(p_buf), GetWBE(p_buf+2) );
+            break;
+        case VLC_FOURCC('d','r','p','t'):
+            if ( (size_t)(p_buf - p_block->p_buffer) < 2 ) break;
+            p_spu_sys->i_drop_shadow_alpha = GetWBE(p_buf);
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        p_buf += i_atomsize;
+    }
+    p_spu->i_start    = p_block->i_pts;
+    p_spu->i_stop     = p_block->i_pts + p_block->i_length;
+    p_spu->b_ephemer  = (p_block->i_length == 0);
+    p_spu->b_absolute = false;
+    p_spu_sys->align = SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
+    p_spu_sys->text  = psz_subtitle;
+    p_spu_sys->p_htmlsegments = p_segment;
+    block_Release( p_block );
+    return p_spu;
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 6dadb88348faa0859a0e4623dbcceb92d15a9f6e..124056e50d080506458c4fa4af0d4fcd1cf5b55a 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ modules/codec/spudec/spudec.h