diff --git a/include/vlc_block.h b/include/vlc_block.h
index 7a175fdd6634a824b6fc64740eaaa4df50bae0b5..10054e9b5cc6c3b2071c290ee0d849a2c759cdd1 100644
--- a/include/vlc_block.h
+++ b/include/vlc_block.h
@@ -23,752 +23,6 @@
 #ifndef VLC_BLOCK_H
 #define VLC_BLOCK_H 1
- * \defgroup block Data blocks
- * \ingroup input
- *
- * Blocks of binary data.
- *
- * @ref block_t is a generic structure to represent a binary blob within VLC.
- * The primary goal of the structure is to avoid memory copying as data is
- * passed around. It is notably used between the \ref demux, the packetizer
- * (if present) and the \ref decoder, and for audio, between the \ref decoder,
- * the audio filters, and the \ref audio_output.
- *
- * @{
- * \file
- * Data block definition and functions
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>  /* for ssize_t */
- * block:
- ****************************************************************************
- * - i_flags may not always be set (ie could be 0, even for a key frame
- *      it depends where you receive the buffer (before/after a packetizer
- *      and the demux/packetizer implementations.
- * - i_dts/i_pts could be VLC_TICK_INVALID, it means no pts/dts
- * - i_length: length in microseond of the packet, can be null except in the
- *      sout where it is mandatory.
- *
- * - i_buffer number of valid data pointed by p_buffer
- *      you can freely decrease it but never increase it yourself
- *      (use block_Realloc)
- * - p_buffer: pointer over datas. You should never overwrite it, you can
- *   only incremment it to skip datas, in others cases use block_Realloc
- *   (don't duplicate yourself in a bigger buffer, block_Realloc is
- *   optimised for preheader/postdatas increase)
- ****************************************************************************/
-/** The content doesn't follow the last block, possible some blocks in between
- *  have been lost */
-/** Intra frame */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I        0x0002
-/** Inter frame with backward reference only */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P        0x0004
-/** Inter frame with backward and forward reference */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B        0x0008
-/** For inter frame when you don't know the real type */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_PB       0x0010
-/** Warn that this block is a header one */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_HEADER        0x0020
-/** This block contains the last part of a sequence  */
-/** This block contains a clock reference */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_CLOCK         0x0080
-/** This block is scrambled */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_SCRAMBLED     0x0100
-/** This block has to be decoded but not be displayed */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_PREROLL       0x0200
-/** This block is corrupted and/or there is data loss  */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_CORRUPTED     0x0400
-/** This block is last of its access unit */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_AU_END        0x0800
-/** This block contains an interlaced picture with top field stored first */
-/** This block contains an interlaced picture with bottom field stored first */
-/** This block contains a single field from interlaced picture. */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_SINGLE_FIELD  0x4000
-/** This block contains an interlaced picture */
-/* These are for input core private usage only */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_CORE_PRIVATE_MASK  0x00ff0000
-/* These are for module private usage only */
-#define BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_MASK  0xff000000
-struct vlc_block_callbacks
-    void (*free)(block_t *);
-struct block_t
-    block_t    *p_next;
-    uint8_t    *p_buffer; /**< Payload start */
-    size_t      i_buffer; /**< Payload length */
-    uint8_t    *p_start; /**< Buffer start */
-    size_t      i_size; /**< Buffer total size */
-    uint32_t    i_flags;
-    unsigned    i_nb_samples; /* Used for audio */
-    vlc_tick_t  i_pts;
-    vlc_tick_t  i_dts;
-    vlc_tick_t  i_length;
-    const struct vlc_block_callbacks *cbs;
- * Initializes a custom block.
- *
- * This function initialize a block of timed data allocated by custom means.
- * This allows passing data without copying even if the data has been allocated
- * with unusual means or outside of LibVLC.
- *
- * Normally, blocks are allocated and initialized by block_Alloc() instead.
- *
- * @param block allocated block structure to initialize
- * @param cbs structure of custom callbacks to handle the block [IN]
- * @param base start address of the block data
- * @param length byte length of the block data
- *
- * @return @c block (this function cannot fail)
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_Init(block_t *block,
-                            const struct vlc_block_callbacks *cbs,
-                            void *base, size_t length);
- * Allocates a block.
- *
- * Creates a new block with the requested size.
- * The block must be released with block_Release().
- *
- * @param size size in bytes (possibly zero)
- * @return the created block, or NULL on memory error.
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_Alloc(size_t size) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
-VLC_API block_t *block_TryRealloc(block_t *, ssize_t pre, size_t body) VLC_USED;
- * Reallocates a block.
- *
- * This function expands, shrinks or moves a data block.
- * In many cases, this function can return without any memory allocation by
- * reusing spare buffer space. Otherwise, a new block is created and data is
- * copied.
- *
- * @param pre count of bytes to prepend if positive,
- *            count of leading bytes to discard if negative
- * @param body new bytes size of the block
- *
- * @return the reallocated block on succes, NULL on error.
- *
- * @note Skipping leading bytes can be achieved directly by subtracting from
- * block_t.i_buffer and adding block_t.p_buffer.
- * @note Discard trailing bytes can be achieved directly by subtracting from
- * block_t.i_buffer.
- * @note On error, the block is discarded.
- * To avoid that, use block_TryRealloc() instead.
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_Realloc(block_t *, ssize_t pre, size_t body) VLC_USED;
- * Releases a block.
- *
- * This function works for any @ref block_t block, regardless of the way it was
- * allocated.
- *
- * @note
- * If the block is in a chain, this function does <b>not</b> release any
- * subsequent block in the chain. Use block_ChainRelease() for that purpose.
- *
- * @param block block to release (cannot be NULL)
- */
-VLC_API void block_Release(block_t *block);
-static inline void block_CopyProperties( block_t *dst, const block_t *src )
-    dst->i_flags   = src->i_flags;
-    dst->i_nb_samples = src->i_nb_samples;
-    dst->i_dts     = src->i_dts;
-    dst->i_pts     = src->i_pts;
-    dst->i_length  = src->i_length;
- * Duplicates a block.
- *
- * Creates a writeable duplicate of a block.
- *
- * @return the duplicate on success, NULL on error.
- */
-static inline block_t *block_Duplicate( const block_t *p_block )
-    block_t *p_dup = block_Alloc( p_block->i_buffer );
-    if( p_dup == NULL )
-        return NULL;
-    block_CopyProperties( p_dup, p_block );
-    memcpy( p_dup->p_buffer, p_block->p_buffer, p_block->i_buffer );
-    return p_dup;
- * Wraps heap in a block.
- *
- * Creates a @ref block_t out of an existing heap allocation.
- * This is provided by LibVLC so that manually heap-allocated blocks can safely
- * be deallocated even after the origin plugin has been unloaded from memory.
- *
- * When block_Release() is called, VLC will free() the specified pointer.
- *
- * @param addr base address of the heap allocation (will be free()'d)
- * @param length bytes length of the heap allocation
- * @return NULL in case of error (ptr free()'d in that case), or a valid
- * block_t pointer.
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_heap_Alloc(void *addr, size_t length) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
- * Wraps a memory mapping in a block
- *
- * Creates a @ref block_t from a virtual address memory mapping (mmap).
- * This is provided by LibVLC so that mmap blocks can safely be deallocated
- * even after the allocating plugin has been unloaded from memory.
- *
- * @param addr base address of the mapping (as returned by mmap)
- * @param length length (bytes) of the mapping (as passed to mmap)
- * @return NULL if addr is MAP_FAILED, or an error occurred (in the later
- * case, munmap(addr, length) is invoked before returning).
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_mmap_Alloc(void *addr, size_t length) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
- * Wraps a System V memory segment in a block
- *
- * Creates a @ref block_t from a System V shared memory segment (shmget()).
- * This is provided by LibVLC so that segments can safely be deallocated
- * even after the allocating plugin has been unloaded from memory.
- *
- * @param addr base address of the segment (as returned by shmat())
- * @param length length (bytes) of the segment (as passed to shmget())
- * @return NULL if an error occurred (in that case, shmdt(addr) is invoked
- * before returning NULL).
- */
-VLC_API block_t * block_shm_Alloc(void *addr, size_t length) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
- * Maps a file handle in memory.
- *
- * Loads a file into a block of memory through a file descriptor.
- * If possible a private file mapping is created. Otherwise, the file is read
- * normally. This function is a cancellation point.
- *
- * @note On 32-bits platforms,
- * this function will not work for very large files,
- * due to memory space constraints.
- *
- * @param fd file descriptor to load from
- * @param write If true, request a read/write private mapping.
- *              If false, request a read-only potentially shared mapping.
- *
- * @return a new block with the file content at p_buffer, and file length at
- * i_buffer (release it with block_Release()), or NULL upon error (see errno).
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_File(int fd, bool write) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
- * Maps a file in memory.
- *
- * Loads a file into a block of memory from a path to the file.
- * See also block_File().
- *
- * @param write If true, request a read/write private mapping.
- *              If false, request a read-only potentially shared mapping.
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_FilePath(const char *, bool write) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
-static inline void block_Cleanup (void *block)
-    block_Release ((block_t *)block);
-#define block_cleanup_push( block ) vlc_cleanup_push (block_Cleanup, block)
- * \defgroup block_chain Block chain
- * @{
- */
- * Appends a @ref block_t to the chain
- *
- * The given block is appended to the last block of the given chain.
- *
- * @attention
- *  Using this function on long chains or repeatedly calling it
- *  to append a lot of blocks can be slow, as it has to iterate the
- *  whole chain to append the block.
- *  In these cases @ref block_ChainLastAppend should be used.
- *
- * @param pp_list   Pointer to the block_t chain
- * @param p_block   The block_t to append (can be NULL)
- *
- * @see block_ChainLastAppend()
- *
- * Example:
- * @code{.c}
- * block_t *p_chain = NULL;
- *
- * block_ChainAppend(&p_chain, p_block);
- * @endcode
- */
-static inline void block_ChainAppend( block_t **pp_list, block_t *p_block )
-    if( *pp_list == NULL )
-    {
-        *pp_list = p_block;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        block_t *p = *pp_list;
-        while( p->p_next ) p = p->p_next;
-        p->p_next = p_block;
-    }
- * Appends a @ref block_t to the last block pointer and update it
- *
- * Uses a pointer over a pointer to p_next of the last block of the block chain
- * to append a block at the end of the chain and updates the pointer to the new
- * last block's @c p_next. If the appended block is itself a chain, it is iterated
- * till the end to correctly update @c ppp_last.
- *
- * @param[in,out] ppp_last  Pointer to pointer to the end of the chain
- *                          (The block_t::p_next of the last block_t in the chain)
- * @param         p_block   The block_t to append
- *
- * Example:
- * @code{.c}
- * block_t *p_block = NULL;
- * block_t **pp_block_last = &p_block;
- *
- * block_ChainLastAppend(&pp_block_last, p_other_block);
- * @endcode
- */
-static inline void block_ChainLastAppend( block_t ***ppp_last, block_t *p_block )
-    block_t *p_last = p_block;
-    **ppp_last = p_block;
-    while( p_last->p_next ) p_last = p_last->p_next;
-    *ppp_last = &p_last->p_next;
- * Releases a chain of blocks
- *
- * The block pointed to by p_block and all following blocks in the
- * chain are released.
- *
- * @param p_block   Pointer to first block_t of the chain to release
- *
- * @see block_Release()
- */
-static inline void block_ChainRelease( block_t *p_block )
-    while( p_block )
-    {
-        block_t *p_next = p_block->p_next;
-        block_Release( p_block );
-        p_block = p_next;
-    }
- * Extracts data from a chain of blocks
- *
- * Copies the specified amount of data from the chain into the given buffer.
- * If the data in the chain is less than the maximum amount given, the remainder
- * of the buffer is not modified.
- *
- * @param      p_list   Pointer to the first block_t of the chain to copy from
- * @param[out] p_data   Destination buffer to copy the data to
- * @param      i_max    Number of bytes to copy
- * @return              Number of bytes actually copied
- *
- * @see block_ChainGather()
- */
-static size_t block_ChainExtract( block_t *p_list, void *p_data, size_t i_max )
-    size_t  i_total = 0;
-    uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)p_data;
-    while( p_list && i_max )
-    {
-        size_t i_copy = __MIN( i_max, p_list->i_buffer );
-        memcpy( p, p_list->p_buffer, i_copy );
-        i_max   -= i_copy;
-        i_total += i_copy;
-        p       += i_copy;
-        p_list = p_list->p_next;
-    }
-    return i_total;
- * Retrives chain properties
- *
- * Can be used to retrieve count of blocks, number of bytes and the duration
- * of the chain.
- *
- * @param       p_list      Pointer to the first block_t of the chain
- * @param[out]  pi_count    Pointer to count of blocks in the chain (may be NULL)
- * @param[out]  pi_size     Pointer to number of bytes in the chain (may be NULL)
- * @param[out]  pi_length   Pointer to length (duration) of the chain (may be NULL)
- */
-static inline void block_ChainProperties( block_t *p_list, int *pi_count, size_t *pi_size, vlc_tick_t *pi_length )
-    size_t i_size = 0;
-    vlc_tick_t i_length = 0;
-    int i_count = 0;
-    while( p_list )
-    {
-        i_size += p_list->i_buffer;
-        i_length += p_list->i_length;
-        i_count++;
-        p_list = p_list->p_next;
-    }
-    if( pi_size )
-        *pi_size = i_size;
-    if( pi_length )
-        *pi_length = i_length;
-    if( pi_count )
-        *pi_count = i_count;
- * Gathers a chain into a single block_t
- *
- * All blocks in the chain are gathered into a single block_t and the
- * original chain is released.
- * 
- * @param   p_list  Pointer to the first block_t of the chain to gather
- * @return  Returns a pointer to a new block_t or NULL if the block can not
- *          be allocated, in which case the original chain is not released.
- *          If the chain pointed to by p_list is already gathered, a pointer
- *          to it is returned and no new block will be allocated.
- *
- * @see block_ChainExtract()
- */
-static inline block_t *block_ChainGather( block_t *p_list )
-    size_t  i_total = 0;
-    vlc_tick_t i_length = 0;
-    block_t *g;
-    if( p_list->p_next == NULL )
-        return p_list;  /* Already gathered */
-    block_ChainProperties( p_list, NULL, &i_total, &i_length );
-    g = block_Alloc( i_total );
-    if( !g )
-        return NULL;
-    block_ChainExtract( p_list, g->p_buffer, g->i_buffer );
-    g->i_flags = p_list->i_flags;
-    g->i_pts   = p_list->i_pts;
-    g->i_dts   = p_list->i_dts;
-    g->i_length = i_length;
-    /* free p_list */
-    block_ChainRelease( p_list );
-    return g;
- * @}
- * \defgroup block_fifo Block FIFO
- * Thread-safe block queue functions
- * @{
- */
-#include <vlc_queue.h>
- * Creates a thread-safe FIFO queue of blocks.
- *
- * See also block_FifoPut() and block_FifoGet().
- * The created queue must be released with block_FifoRelease().
- *
- * @return the FIFO or NULL on memory error
- */
-VLC_API block_fifo_t *block_FifoNew(void) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
- * Destroys a FIFO created by block_FifoNew().
- *
- * @note Any queued blocks are also destroyed.
- * @warning No other threads may be using the FIFO when this function is
- * called. Otherwise, undefined behaviour will occur.
- */
-VLC_API void block_FifoRelease(block_fifo_t *);
- * Dequeue the first block from the FIFO. If necessary, wait until there is
- * one block in the queue. This function is (always) cancellation point.
- *
- * @return a valid block
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_FifoGet(block_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
- * Peeks the first block in the FIFO.
- *
- * @warning This function leaves the block in the FIFO.
- * You need to protect against concurrent threads who could dequeue the block.
- * Preferably, there should be only one thread reading from the FIFO.
- *
- * @warning This function is undefined if the FIFO is empty.
- *
- * @return a valid block.
- */
-VLC_API block_t *block_FifoShow(block_fifo_t *);
-typedef struct block_fifo_t vlc_fifo_t;
-static inline vlc_queue_t *vlc_fifo_queue(const vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
-    return (vlc_queue_t *)fifo;
- * Locks a block FIFO.
- *
- * No more than one thread can lock the FIFO at any given
- * time, and no other thread can modify the FIFO while it is locked.
- * vlc_fifo_Unlock() releases the lock.
- *
- * @note If the FIFO is already locked by another thread, this function waits.
- * This function is not a cancellation point.
- *
- * @warning Recursively locking a single FIFO is undefined. Locking more than
- * one FIFO at a time may lead to lock inversion; mind the locking order.
- */
-static inline void vlc_fifo_Lock(vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
-    vlc_queue_Lock(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
- * Unlocks a block FIFO.
- *
- * The calling thread must have locked the FIFO previously with
- * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise, the behaviour is undefined.
- *
- * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
- */
-static inline void vlc_fifo_Unlock(vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
-    vlc_queue_Unlock(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
- * Wakes up one thread waiting on the FIFO, if any.
- *
- * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
- *
- * @warning For race-free operations, the FIFO should be locked by the calling
- * thread. The function can be called on a unlocked FIFO however.
- */
-static inline void vlc_fifo_Signal(vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
-    vlc_queue_Signal(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
- * Waits on the FIFO.
- *
- * Atomically unlocks the FIFO and waits until one thread signals the FIFO,
- * then locks the FIFO again. A signal can be sent by queueing a block to the
- * previously empty FIFO or by calling vlc_fifo_Signal() directly.
- * This function may also return spuriously at any moment.
- *
- * @note This function is a cancellation point. In case of cancellation, the
- * the FIFO will be locked before cancellation cleanup handlers are processed.
- */
-static inline void vlc_fifo_Wait(vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
-    vlc_queue_Wait(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
-static inline void vlc_fifo_WaitCond(vlc_fifo_t *fifo, vlc_cond_t *condvar)
-    vlc_queue_t *q = vlc_fifo_queue(fifo);
-    vlc_cond_wait(condvar, &q->lock);
- * Queues a linked-list of blocks into a locked FIFO.
- *
- * @param block the head of the list of blocks
- *              (if NULL, this function has no effects)
- *
- * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
- *
- * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
- * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
- */
-VLC_API void vlc_fifo_QueueUnlocked(vlc_fifo_t *fifo, block_t *block);
- * Dequeues the first block from a locked FIFO, if any.
- *
- * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
- *
- * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
- * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
- *
- * @return the first block in the FIFO or NULL if the FIFO is empty
- */
-VLC_API block_t *vlc_fifo_DequeueUnlocked(vlc_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
- * Dequeues the all blocks from a locked FIFO.
- *
- * This is equivalent to calling vlc_fifo_DequeueUnlocked() repeatedly until
- * the FIFO is emptied, but this function is much faster.
- *
- * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
- *
- * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
- * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
- *
- * @return a linked-list of all blocks in the FIFO (possibly NULL)
- */
-VLC_API block_t *vlc_fifo_DequeueAllUnlocked(vlc_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
- * Counts blocks in a FIFO.
- *
- * Checks how many blocks are queued in a locked FIFO.
- *
- * @note This function is not cancellation point.
- *
- * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
- * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
- *
- * @return the number of blocks in the FIFO (zero if it is empty)
- */
-VLC_API size_t vlc_fifo_GetCount(const vlc_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
- * Counts bytes in a FIFO.
- *
- * Checks how many bytes are queued in a locked FIFO.
- *
- * @note This function is not cancellation point.
- *
- * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
- * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
- *
- * @return the total number of bytes
- *
- * @note Zero bytes does not necessarily mean that the FIFO is empty since
- * a block could contain zero bytes. Use vlc_fifo_GetCount() to determine if
- * a FIFO is empty.
- */
-VLC_API size_t vlc_fifo_GetBytes(const vlc_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
-VLC_USED static inline bool vlc_fifo_IsEmpty(const vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
-    return vlc_queue_IsEmpty(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
-static inline void vlc_fifo_Cleanup(void *fifo)
-    vlc_fifo_Unlock((vlc_fifo_t *)fifo);
-#define vlc_fifo_CleanupPush(fifo) vlc_cleanup_push(vlc_fifo_Cleanup, fifo)
- * Clears all blocks in a FIFO.
- */
-static inline void block_FifoEmpty(block_fifo_t *fifo)
-    block_t *block;
-    vlc_fifo_Lock(fifo);
-    block = vlc_fifo_DequeueAllUnlocked(fifo);
-    vlc_fifo_Unlock(fifo);
-    block_ChainRelease(block);
- * Immediately queue one block at the end of a FIFO.
- *
- * @param fifo queue
- * @param block head of a block list to queue (may be NULL)
- */
-static inline void block_FifoPut(block_fifo_t *fifo, block_t *block)
-    vlc_fifo_Lock(fifo);
-    vlc_fifo_QueueUnlocked(fifo, block);
-    vlc_fifo_Unlock(fifo);
-/* FIXME: not (really) thread-safe */
-static inline size_t block_FifoSize (block_fifo_t *fifo)
-    size_t size;
-    vlc_fifo_Lock(fifo);
-    size = vlc_fifo_GetBytes(fifo);
-    vlc_fifo_Unlock(fifo);
-    return size;
-/* FIXME: not (really) thread-safe */
-static inline size_t block_FifoCount (block_fifo_t *fifo)
-    size_t depth;
-    vlc_fifo_Lock(fifo);
-    depth = vlc_fifo_GetCount(fifo);
-    vlc_fifo_Unlock(fifo);
-    return depth;
-/** @} */
-/** @} */
+#include <vlc_frame.h>
 #endif /* VLC_BLOCK_H */
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d0893f20192bd290150ab004bd398f670d70e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/vlc_frame.h
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+ * vlc_frame.h: frame management functions
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * Authors: Laurent Aimar <fenrir@via.ecp.fr>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef VLC_FRAME_H
+#define VLC_FRAME_H 1
+ * \defgroup block Data blocks
+ * \ingroup input
+ *
+ * Blocks of binary data.
+ *
+ * @ref block_t is a generic structure to represent a binary blob within VLC.
+ * The primary goal of the structure is to avoid memory copying as data is
+ * passed around. It is notably used between the \ref demux, the packetizer
+ * (if present) and the \ref decoder, and for audio, between the \ref decoder,
+ * the audio filters, and the \ref audio_output.
+ *
+ * @{
+ * \file
+ * Data block definition and functions
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>  /* for ssize_t */
+ * block:
+ ****************************************************************************
+ * - i_flags may not always be set (ie could be 0, even for a key frame
+ *      it depends where you receive the buffer (before/after a packetizer
+ *      and the demux/packetizer implementations.
+ * - i_dts/i_pts could be VLC_TICK_INVALID, it means no pts/dts
+ * - i_length: length in microseond of the packet, can be null except in the
+ *      sout where it is mandatory.
+ *
+ * - i_buffer number of valid data pointed by p_buffer
+ *      you can freely decrease it but never increase it yourself
+ *      (use block_Realloc)
+ * - p_buffer: pointer over datas. You should never overwrite it, you can
+ *   only incremment it to skip datas, in others cases use block_Realloc
+ *   (don't duplicate yourself in a bigger buffer, block_Realloc is
+ *   optimised for preheader/postdatas increase)
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/** The content doesn't follow the last block, possible some blocks in between
+ *  have been lost */
+/** Intra frame */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I        0x0002
+/** Inter frame with backward reference only */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P        0x0004
+/** Inter frame with backward and forward reference */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B        0x0008
+/** For inter frame when you don't know the real type */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_PB       0x0010
+/** Warn that this block is a header one */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_HEADER        0x0020
+/** This block contains the last part of a sequence  */
+/** This block contains a clock reference */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_CLOCK         0x0080
+/** This block is scrambled */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_SCRAMBLED     0x0100
+/** This block has to be decoded but not be displayed */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_PREROLL       0x0200
+/** This block is corrupted and/or there is data loss  */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_CORRUPTED     0x0400
+/** This block is last of its access unit */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_AU_END        0x0800
+/** This block contains an interlaced picture with top field stored first */
+/** This block contains an interlaced picture with bottom field stored first */
+/** This block contains a single field from interlaced picture. */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_SINGLE_FIELD  0x4000
+/** This block contains an interlaced picture */
+/* These are for input core private usage only */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_CORE_PRIVATE_MASK  0x00ff0000
+/* These are for module private usage only */
+#define BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_MASK  0xff000000
+struct vlc_block_callbacks
+    void (*free)(block_t *);
+struct block_t
+    block_t    *p_next;
+    uint8_t    *p_buffer; /**< Payload start */
+    size_t      i_buffer; /**< Payload length */
+    uint8_t    *p_start; /**< Buffer start */
+    size_t      i_size; /**< Buffer total size */
+    uint32_t    i_flags;
+    unsigned    i_nb_samples; /* Used for audio */
+    vlc_tick_t  i_pts;
+    vlc_tick_t  i_dts;
+    vlc_tick_t  i_length;
+    const struct vlc_block_callbacks *cbs;
+ * Initializes a custom block.
+ *
+ * This function initialize a block of timed data allocated by custom means.
+ * This allows passing data without copying even if the data has been allocated
+ * with unusual means or outside of LibVLC.
+ *
+ * Normally, blocks are allocated and initialized by block_Alloc() instead.
+ *
+ * @param block allocated block structure to initialize
+ * @param cbs structure of custom callbacks to handle the block [IN]
+ * @param base start address of the block data
+ * @param length byte length of the block data
+ *
+ * @return @c block (this function cannot fail)
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_Init(block_t *block,
+                            const struct vlc_block_callbacks *cbs,
+                            void *base, size_t length);
+ * Allocates a block.
+ *
+ * Creates a new block with the requested size.
+ * The block must be released with block_Release().
+ *
+ * @param size size in bytes (possibly zero)
+ * @return the created block, or NULL on memory error.
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_Alloc(size_t size) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
+VLC_API block_t *block_TryRealloc(block_t *, ssize_t pre, size_t body) VLC_USED;
+ * Reallocates a block.
+ *
+ * This function expands, shrinks or moves a data block.
+ * In many cases, this function can return without any memory allocation by
+ * reusing spare buffer space. Otherwise, a new block is created and data is
+ * copied.
+ *
+ * @param pre count of bytes to prepend if positive,
+ *            count of leading bytes to discard if negative
+ * @param body new bytes size of the block
+ *
+ * @return the reallocated block on succes, NULL on error.
+ *
+ * @note Skipping leading bytes can be achieved directly by subtracting from
+ * block_t.i_buffer and adding block_t.p_buffer.
+ * @note Discard trailing bytes can be achieved directly by subtracting from
+ * block_t.i_buffer.
+ * @note On error, the block is discarded.
+ * To avoid that, use block_TryRealloc() instead.
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_Realloc(block_t *, ssize_t pre, size_t body) VLC_USED;
+ * Releases a block.
+ *
+ * This function works for any @ref block_t block, regardless of the way it was
+ * allocated.
+ *
+ * @note
+ * If the block is in a chain, this function does <b>not</b> release any
+ * subsequent block in the chain. Use block_ChainRelease() for that purpose.
+ *
+ * @param block block to release (cannot be NULL)
+ */
+VLC_API void block_Release(block_t *block);
+static inline void block_CopyProperties( block_t *dst, const block_t *src )
+    dst->i_flags   = src->i_flags;
+    dst->i_nb_samples = src->i_nb_samples;
+    dst->i_dts     = src->i_dts;
+    dst->i_pts     = src->i_pts;
+    dst->i_length  = src->i_length;
+ * Duplicates a block.
+ *
+ * Creates a writeable duplicate of a block.
+ *
+ * @return the duplicate on success, NULL on error.
+ */
+static inline block_t *block_Duplicate( const block_t *p_block )
+    block_t *p_dup = block_Alloc( p_block->i_buffer );
+    if( p_dup == NULL )
+        return NULL;
+    block_CopyProperties( p_dup, p_block );
+    memcpy( p_dup->p_buffer, p_block->p_buffer, p_block->i_buffer );
+    return p_dup;
+ * Wraps heap in a block.
+ *
+ * Creates a @ref block_t out of an existing heap allocation.
+ * This is provided by LibVLC so that manually heap-allocated blocks can safely
+ * be deallocated even after the origin plugin has been unloaded from memory.
+ *
+ * When block_Release() is called, VLC will free() the specified pointer.
+ *
+ * @param addr base address of the heap allocation (will be free()'d)
+ * @param length bytes length of the heap allocation
+ * @return NULL in case of error (ptr free()'d in that case), or a valid
+ * block_t pointer.
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_heap_Alloc(void *addr, size_t length) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
+ * Wraps a memory mapping in a block
+ *
+ * Creates a @ref block_t from a virtual address memory mapping (mmap).
+ * This is provided by LibVLC so that mmap blocks can safely be deallocated
+ * even after the allocating plugin has been unloaded from memory.
+ *
+ * @param addr base address of the mapping (as returned by mmap)
+ * @param length length (bytes) of the mapping (as passed to mmap)
+ * @return NULL if addr is MAP_FAILED, or an error occurred (in the later
+ * case, munmap(addr, length) is invoked before returning).
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_mmap_Alloc(void *addr, size_t length) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
+ * Wraps a System V memory segment in a block
+ *
+ * Creates a @ref block_t from a System V shared memory segment (shmget()).
+ * This is provided by LibVLC so that segments can safely be deallocated
+ * even after the allocating plugin has been unloaded from memory.
+ *
+ * @param addr base address of the segment (as returned by shmat())
+ * @param length length (bytes) of the segment (as passed to shmget())
+ * @return NULL if an error occurred (in that case, shmdt(addr) is invoked
+ * before returning NULL).
+ */
+VLC_API block_t * block_shm_Alloc(void *addr, size_t length) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
+ * Maps a file handle in memory.
+ *
+ * Loads a file into a block of memory through a file descriptor.
+ * If possible a private file mapping is created. Otherwise, the file is read
+ * normally. This function is a cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @note On 32-bits platforms,
+ * this function will not work for very large files,
+ * due to memory space constraints.
+ *
+ * @param fd file descriptor to load from
+ * @param write If true, request a read/write private mapping.
+ *              If false, request a read-only potentially shared mapping.
+ *
+ * @return a new block with the file content at p_buffer, and file length at
+ * i_buffer (release it with block_Release()), or NULL upon error (see errno).
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_File(int fd, bool write) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
+ * Maps a file in memory.
+ *
+ * Loads a file into a block of memory from a path to the file.
+ * See also block_File().
+ *
+ * @param write If true, request a read/write private mapping.
+ *              If false, request a read-only potentially shared mapping.
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_FilePath(const char *, bool write) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
+static inline void block_Cleanup (void *block)
+    block_Release ((block_t *)block);
+#define block_cleanup_push( block ) vlc_cleanup_push (block_Cleanup, block)
+ * \defgroup block_chain Block chain
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Appends a @ref block_t to the chain
+ *
+ * The given block is appended to the last block of the given chain.
+ *
+ * @attention
+ *  Using this function on long chains or repeatedly calling it
+ *  to append a lot of blocks can be slow, as it has to iterate the
+ *  whole chain to append the block.
+ *  In these cases @ref block_ChainLastAppend should be used.
+ *
+ * @param pp_list   Pointer to the block_t chain
+ * @param p_block   The block_t to append (can be NULL)
+ *
+ * @see block_ChainLastAppend()
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code{.c}
+ * block_t *p_chain = NULL;
+ *
+ * block_ChainAppend(&p_chain, p_block);
+ * @endcode
+ */
+static inline void block_ChainAppend( block_t **pp_list, block_t *p_block )
+    if( *pp_list == NULL )
+    {
+        *pp_list = p_block;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        block_t *p = *pp_list;
+        while( p->p_next ) p = p->p_next;
+        p->p_next = p_block;
+    }
+ * Appends a @ref block_t to the last block pointer and update it
+ *
+ * Uses a pointer over a pointer to p_next of the last block of the block chain
+ * to append a block at the end of the chain and updates the pointer to the new
+ * last block's @c p_next. If the appended block is itself a chain, it is iterated
+ * till the end to correctly update @c ppp_last.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] ppp_last  Pointer to pointer to the end of the chain
+ *                          (The block_t::p_next of the last block_t in the chain)
+ * @param         p_block   The block_t to append
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code{.c}
+ * block_t *p_block = NULL;
+ * block_t **pp_block_last = &p_block;
+ *
+ * block_ChainLastAppend(&pp_block_last, p_other_block);
+ * @endcode
+ */
+static inline void block_ChainLastAppend( block_t ***ppp_last, block_t *p_block )
+    block_t *p_last = p_block;
+    **ppp_last = p_block;
+    while( p_last->p_next ) p_last = p_last->p_next;
+    *ppp_last = &p_last->p_next;
+ * Releases a chain of blocks
+ *
+ * The block pointed to by p_block and all following blocks in the
+ * chain are released.
+ *
+ * @param p_block   Pointer to first block_t of the chain to release
+ *
+ * @see block_Release()
+ */
+static inline void block_ChainRelease( block_t *p_block )
+    while( p_block )
+    {
+        block_t *p_next = p_block->p_next;
+        block_Release( p_block );
+        p_block = p_next;
+    }
+ * Extracts data from a chain of blocks
+ *
+ * Copies the specified amount of data from the chain into the given buffer.
+ * If the data in the chain is less than the maximum amount given, the remainder
+ * of the buffer is not modified.
+ *
+ * @param      p_list   Pointer to the first block_t of the chain to copy from
+ * @param[out] p_data   Destination buffer to copy the data to
+ * @param      i_max    Number of bytes to copy
+ * @return              Number of bytes actually copied
+ *
+ * @see block_ChainGather()
+ */
+static size_t block_ChainExtract( block_t *p_list, void *p_data, size_t i_max )
+    size_t  i_total = 0;
+    uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)p_data;
+    while( p_list && i_max )
+    {
+        size_t i_copy = __MIN( i_max, p_list->i_buffer );
+        memcpy( p, p_list->p_buffer, i_copy );
+        i_max   -= i_copy;
+        i_total += i_copy;
+        p       += i_copy;
+        p_list = p_list->p_next;
+    }
+    return i_total;
+ * Retrives chain properties
+ *
+ * Can be used to retrieve count of blocks, number of bytes and the duration
+ * of the chain.
+ *
+ * @param       p_list      Pointer to the first block_t of the chain
+ * @param[out]  pi_count    Pointer to count of blocks in the chain (may be NULL)
+ * @param[out]  pi_size     Pointer to number of bytes in the chain (may be NULL)
+ * @param[out]  pi_length   Pointer to length (duration) of the chain (may be NULL)
+ */
+static inline void block_ChainProperties( block_t *p_list, int *pi_count, size_t *pi_size, vlc_tick_t *pi_length )
+    size_t i_size = 0;
+    vlc_tick_t i_length = 0;
+    int i_count = 0;
+    while( p_list )
+    {
+        i_size += p_list->i_buffer;
+        i_length += p_list->i_length;
+        i_count++;
+        p_list = p_list->p_next;
+    }
+    if( pi_size )
+        *pi_size = i_size;
+    if( pi_length )
+        *pi_length = i_length;
+    if( pi_count )
+        *pi_count = i_count;
+ * Gathers a chain into a single block_t
+ *
+ * All blocks in the chain are gathered into a single block_t and the
+ * original chain is released.
+ * 
+ * @param   p_list  Pointer to the first block_t of the chain to gather
+ * @return  Returns a pointer to a new block_t or NULL if the block can not
+ *          be allocated, in which case the original chain is not released.
+ *          If the chain pointed to by p_list is already gathered, a pointer
+ *          to it is returned and no new block will be allocated.
+ *
+ * @see block_ChainExtract()
+ */
+static inline block_t *block_ChainGather( block_t *p_list )
+    size_t  i_total = 0;
+    vlc_tick_t i_length = 0;
+    block_t *g;
+    if( p_list->p_next == NULL )
+        return p_list;  /* Already gathered */
+    block_ChainProperties( p_list, NULL, &i_total, &i_length );
+    g = block_Alloc( i_total );
+    if( !g )
+        return NULL;
+    block_ChainExtract( p_list, g->p_buffer, g->i_buffer );
+    g->i_flags = p_list->i_flags;
+    g->i_pts   = p_list->i_pts;
+    g->i_dts   = p_list->i_dts;
+    g->i_length = i_length;
+    /* free p_list */
+    block_ChainRelease( p_list );
+    return g;
+ * @}
+ * \defgroup block_fifo Block FIFO
+ * Thread-safe block queue functions
+ * @{
+ */
+#include <vlc_queue.h>
+ * Creates a thread-safe FIFO queue of blocks.
+ *
+ * See also block_FifoPut() and block_FifoGet().
+ * The created queue must be released with block_FifoRelease().
+ *
+ * @return the FIFO or NULL on memory error
+ */
+VLC_API block_fifo_t *block_FifoNew(void) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
+ * Destroys a FIFO created by block_FifoNew().
+ *
+ * @note Any queued blocks are also destroyed.
+ * @warning No other threads may be using the FIFO when this function is
+ * called. Otherwise, undefined behaviour will occur.
+ */
+VLC_API void block_FifoRelease(block_fifo_t *);
+ * Dequeue the first block from the FIFO. If necessary, wait until there is
+ * one block in the queue. This function is (always) cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @return a valid block
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_FifoGet(block_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
+ * Peeks the first block in the FIFO.
+ *
+ * @warning This function leaves the block in the FIFO.
+ * You need to protect against concurrent threads who could dequeue the block.
+ * Preferably, there should be only one thread reading from the FIFO.
+ *
+ * @warning This function is undefined if the FIFO is empty.
+ *
+ * @return a valid block.
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *block_FifoShow(block_fifo_t *);
+typedef struct block_fifo_t vlc_fifo_t;
+static inline vlc_queue_t *vlc_fifo_queue(const vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
+    return (vlc_queue_t *)fifo;
+ * Locks a block FIFO.
+ *
+ * No more than one thread can lock the FIFO at any given
+ * time, and no other thread can modify the FIFO while it is locked.
+ * vlc_fifo_Unlock() releases the lock.
+ *
+ * @note If the FIFO is already locked by another thread, this function waits.
+ * This function is not a cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @warning Recursively locking a single FIFO is undefined. Locking more than
+ * one FIFO at a time may lead to lock inversion; mind the locking order.
+ */
+static inline void vlc_fifo_Lock(vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
+    vlc_queue_Lock(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
+ * Unlocks a block FIFO.
+ *
+ * The calling thread must have locked the FIFO previously with
+ * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise, the behaviour is undefined.
+ *
+ * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
+ */
+static inline void vlc_fifo_Unlock(vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
+    vlc_queue_Unlock(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
+ * Wakes up one thread waiting on the FIFO, if any.
+ *
+ * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @warning For race-free operations, the FIFO should be locked by the calling
+ * thread. The function can be called on a unlocked FIFO however.
+ */
+static inline void vlc_fifo_Signal(vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
+    vlc_queue_Signal(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
+ * Waits on the FIFO.
+ *
+ * Atomically unlocks the FIFO and waits until one thread signals the FIFO,
+ * then locks the FIFO again. A signal can be sent by queueing a block to the
+ * previously empty FIFO or by calling vlc_fifo_Signal() directly.
+ * This function may also return spuriously at any moment.
+ *
+ * @note This function is a cancellation point. In case of cancellation, the
+ * the FIFO will be locked before cancellation cleanup handlers are processed.
+ */
+static inline void vlc_fifo_Wait(vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
+    vlc_queue_Wait(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
+static inline void vlc_fifo_WaitCond(vlc_fifo_t *fifo, vlc_cond_t *condvar)
+    vlc_queue_t *q = vlc_fifo_queue(fifo);
+    vlc_cond_wait(condvar, &q->lock);
+ * Queues a linked-list of blocks into a locked FIFO.
+ *
+ * @param block the head of the list of blocks
+ *              (if NULL, this function has no effects)
+ *
+ * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
+ * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
+ */
+VLC_API void vlc_fifo_QueueUnlocked(vlc_fifo_t *fifo, block_t *block);
+ * Dequeues the first block from a locked FIFO, if any.
+ *
+ * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
+ * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
+ *
+ * @return the first block in the FIFO or NULL if the FIFO is empty
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *vlc_fifo_DequeueUnlocked(vlc_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
+ * Dequeues the all blocks from a locked FIFO.
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to calling vlc_fifo_DequeueUnlocked() repeatedly until
+ * the FIFO is emptied, but this function is much faster.
+ *
+ * @note This function is not a cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
+ * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
+ *
+ * @return a linked-list of all blocks in the FIFO (possibly NULL)
+ */
+VLC_API block_t *vlc_fifo_DequeueAllUnlocked(vlc_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
+ * Counts blocks in a FIFO.
+ *
+ * Checks how many blocks are queued in a locked FIFO.
+ *
+ * @note This function is not cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
+ * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
+ *
+ * @return the number of blocks in the FIFO (zero if it is empty)
+ */
+VLC_API size_t vlc_fifo_GetCount(const vlc_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
+ * Counts bytes in a FIFO.
+ *
+ * Checks how many bytes are queued in a locked FIFO.
+ *
+ * @note This function is not cancellation point.
+ *
+ * @warning The FIFO must be locked by the calling thread using
+ * vlc_fifo_Lock(). Otherwise behaviour is undefined.
+ *
+ * @return the total number of bytes
+ *
+ * @note Zero bytes does not necessarily mean that the FIFO is empty since
+ * a block could contain zero bytes. Use vlc_fifo_GetCount() to determine if
+ * a FIFO is empty.
+ */
+VLC_API size_t vlc_fifo_GetBytes(const vlc_fifo_t *) VLC_USED;
+VLC_USED static inline bool vlc_fifo_IsEmpty(const vlc_fifo_t *fifo)
+    return vlc_queue_IsEmpty(vlc_fifo_queue(fifo));
+static inline void vlc_fifo_Cleanup(void *fifo)
+    vlc_fifo_Unlock((vlc_fifo_t *)fifo);
+#define vlc_fifo_CleanupPush(fifo) vlc_cleanup_push(vlc_fifo_Cleanup, fifo)
+ * Clears all blocks in a FIFO.
+ */
+static inline void block_FifoEmpty(block_fifo_t *fifo)
+    block_t *block;
+    vlc_fifo_Lock(fifo);
+    block = vlc_fifo_DequeueAllUnlocked(fifo);
+    vlc_fifo_Unlock(fifo);
+    block_ChainRelease(block);
+ * Immediately queue one block at the end of a FIFO.
+ *
+ * @param fifo queue
+ * @param block head of a block list to queue (may be NULL)
+ */
+static inline void block_FifoPut(block_fifo_t *fifo, block_t *block)
+    vlc_fifo_Lock(fifo);
+    vlc_fifo_QueueUnlocked(fifo, block);
+    vlc_fifo_Unlock(fifo);
+/* FIXME: not (really) thread-safe */
+static inline size_t block_FifoSize (block_fifo_t *fifo)
+    size_t size;
+    vlc_fifo_Lock(fifo);
+    size = vlc_fifo_GetBytes(fifo);
+    vlc_fifo_Unlock(fifo);
+    return size;
+/* FIXME: not (really) thread-safe */
+static inline size_t block_FifoCount (block_fifo_t *fifo)
+    size_t depth;
+    vlc_fifo_Lock(fifo);
+    depth = vlc_fifo_GetCount(fifo);
+    vlc_fifo_Unlock(fifo);
+    return depth;
+/** @} */
+/** @} */
+#endif /* VLC_FRAME_H */
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 7492dc9e80b128bb8dd8ebce155ae66c387e8229..384cba31b7def54b9c35e4b10cdacac08da9de7f 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ include/vlc_es_out.h
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 4bcc2703f730d973415c579b57d2d3dab4a8571b..80d43dfa0b0b7db1b781950ac88dfadf52d76b5c 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ pluginsinclude_HEADERS = \
 	../include/vlc_filter.h \
 	../include/vlc_fingerprinter.h \
 	../include/vlc_fourcc.h \
+	../include/vlc_frame.h \
 	../include/vlc_fs.h \
 	../include/vlc_gcrypt.h \
 	../include/vlc_hash.h \