diff --git a/modules/gui/qt4/dialogs/vlm.cpp b/modules/gui/qt4/dialogs/vlm.cpp
index f0db7b91cb1de882a30376b9104cfdf0af9bb2ae..7d2a3b62b52dd3356dbe2403bd0fc2f885faa132 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt4/dialogs/vlm.cpp
+++ b/modules/gui/qt4/dialogs/vlm.cpp
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@
 #include <QGroupBox>
 #include <QPushButton>
 #include <QHBoxLayout>
-#include <QTimeEdit>
-#include <QDateEdit>
+#include <QDateTimeEdit>
 #include <QSpinBox>
 #include <QHeaderView>
 #include <QScrollArea>
@@ -68,24 +67,37 @@ VLMDialog::VLMDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) : QVLCFrame( _p_intf )
     schetimelayout->addWidget( schedatelabel, 1, 0 );
     QLabel *scherepeatLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Repeat:" ) );
     schetimelayout->addWidget( scherepeatLabel, 2, 0 );
-    time = new QTimeEdit( QTime::currentTime() );
+    QLabel *scherepeatTimeLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Repeat delay:" ) );
+    schetimelayout->addWidget( scherepeatTimeLabel, 3, 0 );
+    time = new QDateTimeEdit( QTime::currentTime() );
     time->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
-    schetimelayout->addWidget( time, 0, 1 );
-    date = new QDateEdit( QDate::currentDate() );
+    schetimelayout->addWidget( time, 0, 1, 1, 3 );
+    date = new QDateTimeEdit( QDate::currentDate() );
     date->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
+    date->setCalendarPopup( true );
 #ifdef WIN32
     date->setDisplayFormat( "dd MM yyyy" );
     date->setDisplayFormat( "dd MMMM yyyy" );
-    schetimelayout->addWidget( date, 1, 1 );
+    schetimelayout->addWidget( date, 1, 1, 1, 3 );
     scherepeatnumber = new QSpinBox;
     scherepeatnumber->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
-    schetimelayout->addWidget( scherepeatnumber, 2, 1 );
+    schetimelayout->addWidget( scherepeatnumber, 2, 1, 1, 3 );
+    repeatDays = new QSpinBox;
+    repeatDays->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
+    schetimelayout->addWidget( repeatDays, 3, 1, 1, 1 );
+    repeatDays->setSuffix( qtr(" days") );
+    repeatTime = new QDateTimeEdit;
+    repeatTime->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
+    schetimelayout->addWidget( repeatTime, 3, 2, 1, 2 );
+    repeatTime->setDisplayFormat( "hh:mm:ss" );
     /* scrollArea */
     ui.vlmItemScroll->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
     ui.vlmItemScroll->setWidgetResizable( true );
@@ -94,13 +106,14 @@ VLMDialog::VLMDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) : QVLCFrame( _p_intf )
     vlmItemWidget->setLayout( vlmItemLayout );
     ui.vlmItemScroll->setWidget( vlmItemWidget );
-    QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem( 10, 10, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
+    QSpacerItem *spacer =
+        new QSpacerItem( 10, 10, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
     vlmItemLayout->addItem( spacer );
     QPushButton *closeButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Close" ) );
     ui.buttonBox->addButton( closeButton, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole );
-    ui.schedBox->hide();
+    showScheduleWidget( QVLM_Broadcast );
     /* Connect the comboBox to show the right Widgets */
     CONNECT( ui.mediaType, currentIndexChanged( int ),
@@ -109,7 +122,7 @@ VLMDialog::VLMDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) : QVLCFrame( _p_intf )
     /* Connect the leftList to show the good VLMItem */
     CONNECT( ui.vlmListItem, currentRowChanged( int ),
              this, selectVLMItem( int ) );
     BUTTONACT( closeButton, close() );
     BUTTONACT( ui.addButton, addVLMItem() );
     BUTTONACT( ui.clearButton, clearWidgets() );
@@ -121,6 +134,8 @@ VLMDialog::~VLMDialog(){}
 void VLMDialog::showScheduleWidget( int i )
     ui.schedBox->setVisible( ( i == QVLM_Schedule ) );
+    ui.loopBCast->setVisible( ( i == QVLM_Broadcast ) );
+    ui.vodBox->setVisible( ( i == QVLM_VOD ) );
 void VLMDialog::selectVLMItem( int i )
@@ -151,18 +166,27 @@ void VLMDialog::addVLMItem()
     int type = ui.mediaType->itemData( ui.mediaType->currentIndex() ).toInt();
     QString typeShortName;
+    QString inputText = ui.inputLedit->text();
+    QString outputText = ui.outputLedit->text();
+    bool b_checked;
+    VLMAWidget * vlmAwidget;
     switch( type )
     case QVLM_Broadcast:
         typeShortName = "Bcast";
+        vlmAwidget = new VLMBroadcast( name, inputText, outputText, b_checked, this );
     case QVLM_VOD:
         typeShortName = "VOD";
+        vlmAwidget = new VLMVod( name, inputText, outputText, b_checked, this );
     case QVLM_Schedule:
         typeShortName = "Sched";
+        vlmAwidget = new VLMSchedule( name, inputText, outputText, b_checked, this );
         msg_Warn( p_intf, "Something bad happened" );
@@ -173,15 +197,10 @@ void VLMDialog::addVLMItem()
     ui.vlmListItem->addItem( typeShortName + " : " + name );
     ui.vlmListItem->setCurrentRow( vlmItemCount - 1 );
-    /* Add a new VLMObject on the main List */
-    VLMObject *vlmObject = new VLMObject( type, name, 
-                                          ui.inputLedit->text(),
-                                          ui.outputLedit->text(),
-                                          ui.enableCheck->isChecked(),
-                                          this );
+    /* Add a new VLMAWidget on the main List */
-    vlmItemLayout->insertWidget( vlmItemCount, vlmObject );
-    vlmItems.append( vlmObject );
+    vlmItemLayout->insertWidget( vlmItemCount, vlmAwidget );
+    vlmItems.append( vlmAwidget );
@@ -199,7 +218,7 @@ void VLMDialog::clearWidgets()
 void VLMDialog::saveModifications()
-    VLMObject *vlmObj = vlmItems.at( currentIndex );
+    VLMAWidget *vlmObj = vlmItems.at( currentIndex );
     if( vlmObj )
         vlmObj->input = ui.inputLedit->text();
@@ -210,22 +229,23 @@ void VLMDialog::saveModifications()
 /* Object Modification */
-void VLMDialog::removeVLMItem( VLMObject *vlmObj )
+void VLMDialog::removeVLMItem( VLMAWidget *vlmObj )
     int index = vlmItems.indexOf( vlmObj );
     if( index < 0 ) return;
+    //FIXME, this is going to segfault if the focus in on the ListWidget
     delete ui.vlmListItem->takeItem( index );
-    vlmItems.removeAt( index );    
+    vlmItems.removeAt( index );
     delete vlmObj;
-void VLMDialog::startModifyVLMItem( VLMObject *vlmObj )
+void VLMDialog::startModifyVLMItem( VLMAWidget *vlmObj )
     currentIndex = vlmItems.indexOf( vlmObj );
     if( currentIndex < 0 ) return;
@@ -243,15 +263,15 @@ void VLMDialog::startModifyVLMItem( VLMObject *vlmObj )
- * VLMObject
+ * VLMAWidget
-VLMObject::VLMObject( int type, 
-                      QString _name,
-                      QString _input,
-                      QString _output,
-                      bool _enabled,
-                      VLMDialog *_parent ) 
-         : QGroupBox( _name, _parent )
+VLMAWidget::VLMAWidget( QString _name,
+                        QString _input,
+                        QString _output,
+                        bool _enabled,
+                        VLMDialog *_parent )
+                      : QGroupBox( _name, _parent )
     parent = _parent;
     name = _name;
@@ -260,68 +280,93 @@ VLMObject::VLMObject( int type,
     b_enabled = _enabled;
     setChecked( b_enabled );
-    QGridLayout *objLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
+    objLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
     setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Maximum );
-    QLabel *label = new QLabel( psz_type[type] + ( ": " + name ) );
-    objLayout->addWidget( label, 0, 0, 1, 4 );
+    nameLabel = new QLabel;
+    objLayout->addWidget( nameLabel, 0, 0, 1, 4 );
+    /*QLabel *time = new QLabel( "--:--/--:--" );
+    objLayout->addWidget( time, 1, 3, 1, 2 );*/
+    QToolButton *modifyButton = new QToolButton;
+    modifyButton->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/menus_settings_16px.png" ) ) );
+    objLayout->addWidget( modifyButton, 0, 5 );
+    QToolButton *deleteButton = new QToolButton;
+    deleteButton->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/menus_quit_16px.png" ) ) );
+    objLayout->addWidget( deleteButton, 0, 6 );
+    BUTTONACT( modifyButton, modify() );
+    BUTTONACT( deleteButton, del() );
+void VLMAWidget::modify()
+    parent->startModifyVLMItem( this );
+void VLMAWidget::del()
+    parent->removeVLMItem( this );
+VLMBroadcast::VLMBroadcast( QString _name, QString _input, QString _output,
+                            bool _enabled, VLMDialog *_parent)
+                          : VLMAWidget( _name, _input, _output,
+                                        _enabled, _parent)
+    nameLabel->setText( "Broadcast: " + name );
     QToolButton *playButton = new QToolButton;
     playButton->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/play_16px.png" ) ) );
     objLayout->addWidget( playButton, 1, 0 );
     QToolButton *stopButton = new QToolButton;
     stopButton->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/stop_16px.png" ) ) );
     objLayout->addWidget( stopButton, 1, 1 );
     QToolButton *loopButton = new QToolButton;
     loopButton->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/playlist_repeat_off.png" ) ) );
     objLayout->addWidget( loopButton, 1, 2 );
-    QLabel *time = new QLabel( "--:--/--:--" );
-    objLayout->addWidget( time, 1, 3, 1, 2 );
-    QToolButton *modifyButton = new QToolButton;
-    modifyButton->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/menus_settings_16px.png" ) ) );
-    objLayout->addWidget( modifyButton, 0, 5 );
-    QToolButton *deleteButton = new QToolButton;
-    deleteButton->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/menus_quit_16px.png" ) ) );
-    objLayout->addWidget( deleteButton, 0, 6 );
     BUTTONACT( playButton, togglePlayPause() );
     BUTTONACT( stopButton, stop() );
-    BUTTONACT( modifyButton, modify() );
-    BUTTONACT( deleteButton, del() );
     BUTTONACT( loopButton, toggleLoop() );
-void VLMObject::modify()
+void VLMBroadcast::togglePlayPause()
-    parent->startModifyVLMItem( this );
-void VLMObject::del()
+void VLMBroadcast::toggleLoop()
-    parent->removeVLMItem( this );
-void VLMObject::togglePlayPause()
+void VLMBroadcast::stop()
-void VLMObject::toggleLoop()
+void VLMAWidget::enterEvent( QEvent *event )
+    printf( "test" );
-void VLMObject::stop()
+VLMSchedule::VLMSchedule( QString name, QString input, QString output,
+                            bool enabled, VLMDialog *parent) : VLMAWidget( name, input,
+                            output, enabled, parent)
+    nameLabel->setText( "Schedule: " + name );
-void VLMObject::enterEvent( QEvent *event )
+VLMVod::VLMVod( QString name, QString input, QString output,
+                            bool enabled, VLMDialog *parent) : VLMAWidget( name, input,
+                            output, enabled, parent)
-    printf( "test" );
+    nameLabel->setText( "VOD:" + name );
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt4/dialogs/vlm.hpp b/modules/gui/qt4/dialogs/vlm.hpp
index 11a600a37fbe884b3016580fafe1815dc86b3a9c..2f3f4dbafe710be8c8ce02111df9b189123ec4b4 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt4/dialogs/vlm.hpp
+++ b/modules/gui/qt4/dialogs/vlm.hpp
@@ -47,10 +47,9 @@ class QToolButton;
 class QGroupBox;
 class QPushButton;
 class QHBoxLayout;
-class QDateEdit;
-class QTimeEdit;
+class QDateTimeEdit;
 class QSpinBox;
-class VLMObject;
+class VLMAWidget;
 class VLMDialog : public QVLCFrame
@@ -69,20 +68,19 @@ private:
     static VLMDialog *instance;
     Ui::Vlm ui;
-    QList<VLMObject *> vlmItems;
+    QList<VLMAWidget *> vlmItems;
     int currentIndex;
     QVBoxLayout *vlmItemLayout;
     QWidget *vlmItemWidget;
     QComboBox *mediatype;
-    QTimeEdit *time;
-    QDateEdit *date;
-    QSpinBox *scherepeatnumber;
+    QDateTimeEdit *time, *date, *repeatTime;
+    QSpinBox *scherepeatnumber, *repeatDays;
     bool isNameGenuine( QString );
 public slots:
-    void removeVLMItem( VLMObject * );
-    void startModifyVLMItem( VLMObject * );
+    void removeVLMItem( VLMAWidget * );
+    void startModifyVLMItem( VLMAWidget * );
 private slots:
     void addVLMItem();
     void clearWidgets();
@@ -91,27 +89,52 @@ private slots:
     void selectVLMItem( int );
-class VLMObject : public QGroupBox 
+class VLMAWidget : public QGroupBox 
     friend class VLMDialog;
-    VLMObject( int type, QString name, QString input, QString output, bool _enable, VLMDialog *parent );
+    VLMAWidget( QString name, QString input, QString output, bool _enable, VLMDialog *parent );
+    QLabel *nameLabel;
     QString name;
     QString input;
     QString output;
-    bool b_looped;
     bool b_enabled;
     VLMDialog *parent;
     virtual void enterEvent( QEvent * );
+    QGridLayout *objLayout;
+private slots:
+    virtual void modify();
+    virtual void del();
+class VLMBroadcast : public VLMAWidget
+    VLMBroadcast( QString name, QString input, QString output, bool _enable, VLMDialog *parent );
+    bool b_looped;
 private slots:
-    void modify();
     void stop();
-    void del();
     void togglePlayPause();
     void toggleLoop();
+class VLMVod : public VLMAWidget
+    VLMVod( QString name, QString input, QString output, bool _enable, VLMDialog *parent );
+    QString mux;
+class VLMSchedule : public VLMAWidget
+    VLMSchedule( QString name, QString input, QString output, bool _enable, VLMDialog *parent );
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt4/ui/vlm.ui b/modules/gui/qt4/ui/vlm.ui
index 61c316bafff20a0a4f1fa8338c607261ee20390c..3479a62db28daa4818f2a04e67c490db2bed534d 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt4/ui/vlm.ui
+++ b/modules/gui/qt4/ui/vlm.ui
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    <height>598</height>
+    <height>693</height>
   <property name="sizePolicy" >
@@ -112,6 +112,52 @@
+      <item row="6" column="0" colspan="3" >
+       <widget class="QGroupBox" name="vodBox" >
+        <property name="title" >
+         <string>_("Mux Control")</string>
+        </property>
+        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
+           <property name="text" >
+            <string>Muxer:</string>
+           </property>
+           <property name="margin" >
+            <number>3</number>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QLineEdit" name="muxLedit" >
+           <property name="inputMask" >
+            <string>AAAA; </string>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+         <item>
+          <spacer>
+           <property name="orientation" >
+            <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+           </property>
+           <property name="sizeHint" >
+            <size>
+             <width>411</width>
+             <height>20</height>
+            </size>
+           </property>
+          </spacer>
+         </item>
+        </layout>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item row="7" column="0" colspan="2" >
+       <widget class="QCheckBox" name="loopBCast" >
+        <property name="text" >
+         <string>_("Loop")</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>