Donation: DonationViewController
grey background that dims the setting screen, fades in and out -
title with close button on the top, close button dismisses flow -
tapping grey background will dismiss viewcontroller as well -
second part contains donation label followed by textfield -
textfield should be international, meaning $ on the left euro on the right . and , respectively -
tapping the textfield brings up the keyboard and the view slides correctly up and down -
bottom row contains buttons with donation suggestions followed by keyboard button -
tapping buttons updates the textfield -
taping the keyboard button slides up and down keyboard. -
when amount is edited make sure to not make the currency symbol deletable or curser movable left ($) or right of it(euro), also make sure that only valid amounts can be entered -
underneath is the Donate Apple Pay button for iOS 10.2 for < iOS10.2 use default Apple Pay button -
view should be adjusted to fit the theme meaning white apple pay button on dark, and black apple pay on white theme -
2 grey separators separate top from amount entry and amount entry from buttons -
only the top 2 corners should be rounded of the sheet -
keyboard button updates when keyboard slides up and down -
view slides in from the bottom above tabbar -
the view needs to extend over the safe area -
view should not fade in while sliding in -
have button and donation method for devices that don't support apple Pay
Edited by Carola