- Mar 29, 2019
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
(cherry picked from commit 4efe694b)
Geoffrey Métais authored
(cherry picked from commit 08d512a2)
- Mar 28, 2019
Geoffrey Métais authored
Thomas Guillem authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Should reduce ANR
Martin Finkel authored
The SurfaceListener interface should be uncoupled from the mediaplayer.
Nicolas Pomepuy authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
onMenuItemActionExpand is never called, despite onMenuItemActionCollapse is. For zorkaroundm we manually change search visibility
Vitaliy Grabchuk authored
Signed-off-by: Vitaliy Grabchuk <vitaliygrabchuk@gmail.com>
Alexandre Perraud authored
- Mar 20, 2019
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
LibVLC 3.1.8 & medialibrary 0.4.10 (cherry picked from commit 20217b6b)
Geoffrey Métais authored
setRequestedOrientation can fail on Oreo
Geoffrey Métais authored
- Mar 19, 2019
Geoffrey Métais authored
Nicolas Pomepuy authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Reduce usage of VLCApplication.getAppContext()
Geoffrey Métais authored
Focus was not visible on DPAD navigation
Thomas Guillem authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
Geoffrey Métais authored
This should fix network streams playback
- Mar 15, 2019
Geoffrey Métais authored
(cherry picked from commit 5cadd8ac)
Geoffrey Métais authored
Specific devices require to detect new storages at device boot (cherry picked from commit 71b91078)
Geoffrey Métais authored
Medialibrary correctly indicates if device is new now (cherry picked from commit eed91233)
- Mar 14, 2019
Geoffrey Métais authored
(cherry picked from commit 25b9327f)
Geoffrey Métais authored