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Commit d470708c authored by Habib Kazemi's avatar Habib Kazemi Committed by Nicolas Pomepuy
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Update progress when jumping to a time

Fixes #1596
parent 7b1fb247
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1 merge request!863Update progress when jumping to a time
Pipeline #55467 passed with stage
in 17 minutes and 59 seconds
......@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ class JumpToTimeDialog : PickTimeFragment() {
val hours = if (hours != "") java.lang.Long.parseLong(hours) * HOURS_IN_MICROS else 0L
val minutes = if (minutes != "") java.lang.Long.parseLong(minutes) * MINUTES_IN_MICROS else 0L
val seconds = if (seconds != "") java.lang.Long.parseLong(seconds) * SECONDS_IN_MICROS else 0L
playbackService.time = (hours + minutes + seconds) / 1000L //Time in ms
val newTime = (hours + minutes + seconds) / 1000L //Time in ms
playbackService.time = newTime
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