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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit b509cbc2 authored by Duncan McNamara's avatar Duncan McNamara Committed by Nicolas Pomepuy
Browse files

Remove uses of mediawrapper type group

The implementation of groups was changed a couple of years ago, there is
now specific items in the medialibrary for groups and this type is now
parent 3da8e46e
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1 merge request!1758VideoFolderGroups: add context btn to ban folder
Pipeline #381751 passed with stage
in 10 minutes and 44 seconds
......@@ -77,10 +77,9 @@ class CardPresenter(private val context: Activity, private val isPoster: Boolean
if (item is MediaWrapper) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d("CardPresenter", "ITEM: ${item.title} // meta = ${item.hasFlag(FAVORITE_FLAG)}")
if (item.hasFlag(FAVORITE_FLAG)) cardView.badgeImage = ContextCompat.getDrawable(cardView.context, R.drawable.ic_favorite_tv_badge)
val group = item.type == MediaWrapper.TYPE_GROUP
val folder = item.type == MediaWrapper.TYPE_DIR
val video = item.type == MediaWrapper.TYPE_VIDEO
if (!folder && (group || video && !item.isThumbnailGenerated)) {
if (!folder && (video && !item.isThumbnailGenerated)) {
if (noArt) {
cardView.mainImageView.scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE
cardView.mainImage = BitmapDrawable(cardView.resources, getDefaultImage(item))
......@@ -141,13 +141,6 @@ object TvUtil { = item.uri
MediaWrapper.TYPE_GROUP -> {
val intent = Intent(activity,
intent.putExtra(MainTvActivity.BROWSER_TYPE, HEADER_VIDEO)
val title = item.title.substring(if (item.title.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()).startsWith("the")) 4 else 0)
intent.putExtra(KEY_GROUP, title)
else -> {
MediaUtils.openMedia(activity, item)
......@@ -184,13 +177,6 @@ object TvUtil { = item.uri
MediaWrapper.TYPE_GROUP -> {
val intent = Intent(activity,
intent.putExtra(MainTvActivity.BROWSER_TYPE, HEADER_VIDEO)
val title = item.title.substring(if (item.title.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()).startsWith("the")) 4 else 0)
intent.putExtra(KEY_GROUP, title)
else -> { {
if (!Settings.getInstance(activity).getBoolean(FORCE_PLAY_ALL_VIDEO, Settings.tvUI)) {
......@@ -238,13 +224,6 @@ object TvUtil { = item.uri
MediaWrapper.TYPE_GROUP -> {
val intent = Intent(activity,
intent.putExtra(MainTvActivity.BROWSER_TYPE, HEADER_VIDEO)
val title = item.title.substring(if (item.title.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()).startsWith("the")) 4 else 0)
intent.putExtra(KEY_GROUP, title)
else -> {
provider.loadPagedList(activity, {
(provider.getAll().toList() as List<MediaWrapper>).filter { it.type != MediaWrapper.TYPE_DIR }
......@@ -591,11 +591,10 @@ class VideoGridFragment : MediaBrowserFragment<VideosViewModel>(), SwipeRefreshL
is Folder -> showContext(requireActivity(), this@VideoGridFragment, position, item, CTX_FOLDER_FLAGS or if(item.isFavorite) CTX_FAV_REMOVE else CTX_FAV_ADD)
is VideoGroup -> if (item.presentCount == 0) UiTools.snackerMissing(requireActivity()) else showContext(requireActivity(), this@VideoGridFragment, position, item, CTX_VIDEO_GROUP_FLAGS or if(item.isFavorite) CTX_FAV_REMOVE else CTX_FAV_ADD)
is MediaWrapper -> {
val group = item.type == MediaWrapper.TYPE_GROUP
var flags = if (group) CTX_VIDEO_GROUP_FLAGS else CTX_VIDEO_FLAGS
var flags = CTX_VIDEO_FLAGS
flags = flags or if(item.isFavorite) CTX_FAV_REMOVE else CTX_FAV_ADD
flags = if (item.seen > 0) flags or CTX_MARK_AS_UNPLAYED else flags or CTX_MARK_AS_PLAYED
if (item.time != 0L && !group) flags = flags or CTX_PLAY_FROM_START
if (item.time != 0L) flags = flags or CTX_PLAY_FROM_START
if (viewModel.groupingType == VideoGroupingType.NAME || != null) flags = flags or if ( != null) CTX_REMOVE_GROUP else flags or CTX_ADD_GROUP or CTX_GROUP_SIMILAR
//go to folder
if (item.uri.retrieveParent() != null) flags = flags or CTX_GO_TO_FOLDER
......@@ -170,22 +170,19 @@ class VideoListAdapter(private var isSeenMediaMarkerVisible: Boolean
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.isSD, item.uri.isSD())
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.isPresent, item.isPresent)
text = if (item.type == MediaWrapper.TYPE_GROUP) {
} else {
seen = if (isSeenMediaMarkerVisible) item.seen else 0L
/* Time / Duration */
if (item.length > 0) {
val lastTime = item.displayTime
if (lastTime > 0) {
max = (item.length / 1000).toInt()
progress = (lastTime / 1000).toInt()
if (isListMode && resolution !== null) {
"${Tools.millisToString(item.length)} • $resolution"
} else Tools.millisToString(item.length)
} else null
seen = if (isSeenMediaMarkerVisible) item.seen else 0L
/* Time / Duration */
text = if (item.length > 0) {
val lastTime = item.displayTime
if (lastTime > 0) {
max = (item.length / 1000).toInt()
progress = (lastTime / 1000).toInt()
if (isListMode && resolution !== null) {
"${Tools.millisToString(item.length)} • $resolution"
} else Tools.millisToString(item.length)
} else null
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.time, text)
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.max, max)
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.progress, progress)
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