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Commit b1807ed1 authored by Geoffrey Métais's avatar Geoffrey Métais
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Moviepedia DB scheme

parent 13bf387f
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Pipeline #12016 passed with stage
in 4 minutes and 26 seconds
"formatVersion": 1,
"database": {
"version": 30,
"identityHash": "3b170ae1c09bebcc78be89a53f7e6403",
"entities": [
"tableName": "external_subtitles_table",
"createSql": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${TABLE_NAME}` (`idSubtitle` TEXT NOT NULL, `subtitlePath` TEXT NOT NULL, `mediaPath` TEXT NOT NULL, `subLanguageID` TEXT NOT NULL, `movieReleaseName` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`mediaPath`, `idSubtitle`))",
"fields": [
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"columnName": "subLanguageID",
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"tableName": "SLAVES_table",
"createSql": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${TABLE_NAME}` (`slave_media_mrl` TEXT NOT NULL, `slave_type` INTEGER NOT NULL, `slave_priority` INTEGER NOT NULL, `slave_uri` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`slave_media_mrl`))",
"fields": [
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"notNull": true
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"tableName": "fav_table",
"createSql": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${TABLE_NAME}` (`uri` TEXT NOT NULL, `type` INTEGER NOT NULL, `title` TEXT NOT NULL, `icon_url` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`uri`))",
"fields": [
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"tableName": "media_metadata",
"createSql": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${TABLE_NAME}` (`moviepedia_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `ml_id` INTEGER, `type` INTEGER NOT NULL, `title` TEXT NOT NULL, `summary` TEXT NOT NULL, `genres` TEXT NOT NULL, `releaseDate` INTEGER, `countries` TEXT NOT NULL, `season` INTEGER, `episode` INTEGER, `current_poster` TEXT NOT NULL, `current_backdrop` TEXT NOT NULL, `show_id` TEXT, `has_cast` INTEGER NOT NULL, `insertDate` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`moviepedia_id`), FOREIGN KEY(`show_id`) REFERENCES `media_metadata`(`moviepedia_id`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION )",
"fields": [
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"notNull": false
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"onDelete": "NO ACTION",
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"tableName": "media_metadata_person",
"createSql": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${TABLE_NAME}` (`moviepedia_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `name` TEXT NOT NULL, `image` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`moviepedia_id`))",
"fields": [
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"columnName": "image",
"affinity": "TEXT",
"notNull": false
"primaryKey": {
"columnNames": [
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"foreignKeys": []
"tableName": "media_person_join",
"createSql": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${TABLE_NAME}` (`mediaId` TEXT NOT NULL, `personId` TEXT NOT NULL, `type` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`mediaId`, `personId`, `type`), FOREIGN KEY(`mediaId`) REFERENCES `media_metadata`(`moviepedia_id`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION , FOREIGN KEY(`personId`) REFERENCES `media_metadata_person`(`moviepedia_id`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION )",
"fields": [
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"columnName": "mediaId",
"affinity": "TEXT",
"notNull": true
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"columnName": "personId",
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"columnName": "type",
"affinity": "INTEGER",
"notNull": true
"primaryKey": {
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"foreignKeys": [
"table": "media_metadata",
"onDelete": "NO ACTION",
"onUpdate": "NO ACTION",
"columns": [
"referencedColumns": [
"table": "media_metadata_person",
"onDelete": "NO ACTION",
"onUpdate": "NO ACTION",
"columns": [
"referencedColumns": [
"tableName": "media_metadata_image",
"createSql": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `${TABLE_NAME}` (`url` TEXT NOT NULL, `media_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `image_type` INTEGER NOT NULL, `image_language` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`url`, `media_id`), FOREIGN KEY(`media_id`) REFERENCES `media_metadata`(`moviepedia_id`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION )",
"fields": [
"fieldPath": "url",
"columnName": "url",
"affinity": "TEXT",
"notNull": true
"fieldPath": "mediaId",
"columnName": "media_id",
"affinity": "TEXT",
"notNull": true
"fieldPath": "imageType",
"columnName": "image_type",
"affinity": "INTEGER",
"notNull": true
"fieldPath": "language",
"columnName": "image_language",
"affinity": "TEXT",
"notNull": true
"primaryKey": {
"columnNames": [
"autoGenerate": false
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"foreignKeys": [
"table": "media_metadata",
"onDelete": "NO ACTION",
"onUpdate": "NO ACTION",
"columns": [
"referencedColumns": [
"views": [],
"setupQueries": [
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS room_master_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,identity_hash TEXT)",
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO room_master_table (id,identity_hash) VALUES(42, '3b170ae1c09bebcc78be89a53f7e6403')"
\ No newline at end of file
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