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Commit a87c06b1 authored by Romain Vimont's avatar Romain Vimont Committed by Geoffrey Métais
Browse files

Clear list filter on small search query string

When a query having less than 3 chars was requested, it did nothing.

As a consequence, searching "xy" did not always give the same filtering:

   query   filter applied
   -----   ----------------
      ""   none (full list)
    "xy"   none (full list)
   "xyz"   "xyz"
    "xy"   "xyz"            <= unexpected

For consistency, always display the full list when the search query is

This paves the way to keep the filter after an activity is destroyed
then re-created (e.g. on screen rotation).

Signed-off-by: default avatarGeoffrey Métais <>
(cherry picked from commit 947cbaae)
parent b28b1c62
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