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Commit 953bfaea authored by Geoffrey Métais's avatar Geoffrey Métais
Browse files

Compute progress in background

parent 587229df
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Pipeline #14003 passed with stage
in 20 minutes and 39 seconds
......@@ -302,19 +302,24 @@ class AudioPlayer : Fragment(), PlaylistAdapter.IPlayer, TextWatcher, IAudioPlay
binding.timeline.progress = progress.time.toInt()
binding.progressBar.progress = progress.time.toInt()
val elapsedTracksTime = playlistModel.medias?.asSequence()
?.map { if (it.length != 0L) it.length else it.time }
?.sum() ?: 0L
val totalTime = elapsedTracksTime + progress.time
val currentProgressText = if (totalTime == 0L) "0s" else Tools.millisToString(totalTime, true, false, false)
val textTrack = getString(R.string.track_index, "${playlistModel.currentMediaPosition + 1} / ${playlistModel.medias?.size}")
val textProgress = getString(R.string.audio_queue_progress, "$currentProgressText / ${playlistModel.totalTime}")
binding.audioPlayProgress.text = "$textTrack • $textProgress"
binding.songsList.setPadding(binding.songsList.paddingLeft, binding.songsList.paddingTop, binding.songsList.paddingRight, binding.audioPlayProgress.height + 8.dp)
lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted {
val text = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
val medias = playlistModel.medias ?: return@withContext ""
val elapsedTracksTime = medias.asSequence()
.map { it.length }
val totalTime = elapsedTracksTime + progress.time
val currentProgressText = if (totalTime == 0L) "0s" else Tools.millisToString(totalTime, true, false, false)
val textTrack = getString(R.string.track_index, "${playlistModel.currentMediaPosition + 1} / ${medias.size}")
val textProgress = getString(R.string.audio_queue_progress, "$currentProgressText / ${playlistModel.totalTime}")
"$textTrack • $textProgress"
binding.audioPlayProgress.text = text
override fun onSelectionSet(position: Int) {
......@@ -225,10 +225,13 @@ class PlaylistModel : ViewModel(), PlaybackService.Callback by EmptyPBSCallback
private fun updateTotalTime() = viewModelScope.launch{
val totalLength = medias?.asSequence()?.map {
if (it.length != 0L) it.length else it.time
}?.sum() ?: 0L
private fun updateTotalTime() = viewModelScope.launch {
val totalLength = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
val mediaList = medias ?: return@withContext 0L
.map { it.length }
totalTime = Tools.millisToString(totalLength, true, false, false)
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