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Commit 53bd1853 authored by Nicolas Pomepuy's avatar Nicolas Pomepuy
Browse files

Fix initial sort on files

parent b33f7749
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1 merge request!1560Fix initial sort on files
Pipeline #267564 passed with stage
in 3 minutes and 57 seconds
......@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ abstract class BrowserProvider(val context: Context, val dataset: LiveDataset<Me
else -> true
fun getComparator(nbOfDigits: Int): Comparator<MediaLibraryItem>? = when {
Settings.showTvUi && sort == Medialibrary.SORT_ALPHA && desc -> tvDescComp
Settings.showTvUi && sort == Medialibrary.SORT_ALPHA && !desc -> tvAscComp
Settings.showTvUi && sort in arrayOf(Medialibrary.SORT_ALPHA, Medialibrary.SORT_DEFAULT) && desc -> tvDescComp
Settings.showTvUi && sort in arrayOf(Medialibrary.SORT_ALPHA, Medialibrary.SORT_DEFAULT) && !desc -> tvAscComp
url != null && Uri.parse(url)?.scheme == "upnp" -> null
sort == Medialibrary.SORT_ALPHA && desc -> descComp
sort == Medialibrary.SORT_ALPHA && !desc -> ascComp
......@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ abstract class BrowserProvider(val context: Context, val dataset: LiveDataset<Me
descriptionUpdate.value = Pair(position, it)
withContext(coroutineContextProvider.Main) { foldersContentMap.put(item, directories.toMutableList()) }
sort(directories as MutableList<MediaLibraryItem>)
withContext(coroutineContextProvider.Main) { foldersContentMap.put(item, directories) }
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