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Commit 4233a36a authored by Andrew Churyla's avatar Andrew Churyla Committed by Nicolas Pomepuy
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Fix "App wastes CPU resources while playing video"

Use fixed size (half of screen) for each TextView
Fixes #2529
This modification also improve overall UI performance. #2528
UI appearing time (landscape orientation, video paused, v3.5.0):
Samsung Note 4, Android 6.0.1 (debug). Was ~300 ms if I disable animation. Now it ~65 ms.
Samsung Note 4, Android 6.0.1 (release). Was ~1450 ms if I disable animation. Now it ~350 ms.
Lenovo P2a42. Android 6.0.1 (release). Was ~130 ms if I disable animation. Now it ~55 ms.
Xiaomi 11T, Android 12 (release). Was ~100 ms if I disable animation. Now it ~40 ms.
parent 414d324b
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