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Commit 4005c13c authored by Nicolas Pomepuy's avatar Nicolas Pomepuy
Browse files

Fix the audio player total progress being empty

And improve readability by using the non textual length
Fixes #2045
parent c5394688
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1 merge request!994Various UI fixes
......@@ -362,15 +362,12 @@ class AudioPlayer : Fragment(), PlaylistAdapter.IPlayer, TextWatcher, IAudioPlay
lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted {
val text = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
val medias = playlistModel.medias ?: return@withContext ""
if (medias.size < 2) {
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { if (!shouldHidePlayProgress()) binding.audioPlayProgress.setVisible() }
return@withContext ""
} else withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { if (!shouldHidePlayProgress()) binding.audioPlayProgress.setVisible() }
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { if (!shouldHidePlayProgress()) binding.audioPlayProgress.setVisible() else binding.audioPlayProgress.setGone() }
if (playlistModel.currentMediaPosition == -1) return@withContext ""
val elapsedTracksTime = playlistModel.previousTotalTime ?: return@withContext ""
val totalTime = elapsedTracksTime + progress.time
val totalTimeText = Tools.millisToString(totalTime, true, true, false)
val currentProgressText = if (totalTimeText.isNullOrEmpty()) "0s" else totalTimeText
val totalTimeText = Tools.millisToString(totalTime, false, true, false)
val currentProgressText = if (totalTimeText.isNullOrEmpty()) "0:00" else totalTimeText
val textTrack = getString(R.string.track_index, "${playlistModel.currentMediaPosition + 1} / ${medias.size}")
val textProgress = if (audioPlayProgressMode)
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class PlaylistModel : ViewModel(), PlaybackService.Callback by EmptyPBSCallback
.map { it.length }
totalTime = Tools.millisToString(totalLength, true, false, false)
totalTime = Tools.millisToString(totalLength, false, false, false)
fun getTotalTime():Long {
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