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Commit 3592eb89 authored by Robert Stone's avatar Robert Stone Committed by Nicolas Pomepuy
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Add comparator to sort media identically to the android auto keyboard

parent 934bda0f
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1 merge request!1020Android Auto: Update play-from-here and library pagination
......@@ -20,10 +20,20 @@
package org.videolan.vlc.gui.helpers
import java.text.Normalizer
import java.util.*
object MediaComparators {
private val englishArticles by lazy { arrayOf("a ", "an ", "the ") }
private val asciiAlphaNumeric by lazy {
BitSet().also { b -> "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray().forEach { c -> b.set(c.toInt(), true) } }
private val asciiPunctuation by lazy {
BitSet().also { b -> "\t !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~".toCharArray().forEach { c -> b.set(c.toInt(), true) } }
val BY_TRACK_NUMBER: Comparator<MediaWrapper> = Comparator { m1, m2 ->
if (m1.discNumber < m2.discNumber) return@Comparator -1
if (m1.discNumber > m2.discNumber) return@Comparator 1
......@@ -34,4 +44,65 @@ object MediaComparators {
val ANDROID_AUTO: Comparator<MediaLibraryItem> = Comparator { item1, item2 ->
private fun buildComparableTitle(origTitle: String): String {
val tTitle = origTitle.trim()
if (tTitle.isEmpty()) return tTitle
/* Remove invalid leading characters and articles */
val invCharTitle = removeLeadingPunctuation(tTitle).toLowerCase(Locale.US)
val scrubbedTitle = formatArticles(invCharTitle, false).ifEmpty { invCharTitle }
/* Decompose the first letter to handle ä, ç, é, ô, etc. This yields two chars: an a-z letter, and
* a unicode combining character representing the diacritic mark. The combining character is dropped.
val nChars = Normalizer.normalize(scrubbedTitle[0].toString(), Normalizer.Form.NFD)
val firstChar = removeNonAlphaNumeric(nChars).ifEmpty { nChars }
/* Assemble the title */
return "${firstChar[0]}${scrubbedTitle.substring(1)}"
* Functionally identical to "^(?i)(the|an|a)\\s+(.*)", and either returning "$2" or "$2, $1"
fun formatArticles(title: String, appendPrefix: Boolean): String {
for (article in englishArticles)
if (title.startsWith(article, true)) {
val suffix = title.substring(article.length).trim()
return if (appendPrefix) {
val prefix = title.substring(0, article.length).trim()
listOf(suffix, prefix).filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.joinToString(", ") { it }
} else suffix
return title
* Remove all non-lowercase alphanumeric characters.
* Functionally identical to replaceAll("[^a-z0-9]+", "")
private fun removeNonAlphaNumeric(title: String): String {
return if (title.length == 1 && asciiAlphaNumeric.get(title[0].toInt())) title
else buildString {
for (c in title.toCharArray())
if (asciiAlphaNumeric.get(c.toInt()))
* Find the first occurrence of non-punctuation characters.
* Functionally identical to replaceAll("^[\t\\x20-\\x2F\\x3A-\\x40\\x5B-\\x60\\x7B-\\x7E]+", "")
* "[On Android]...Unicode character classes are always used." (see Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
* therefore "^[\\p{Blank}\\p{Punct}]+" is not a direct substitute.
private fun removeLeadingPunctuation(title: String): String {
title.forEachIndexed { i, c ->
if (!asciiPunctuation.get(c.toInt()))
return title.substring(i)
return title
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