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Commit 2a25abb0 authored by Nicolas Pomepuy's avatar Nicolas Pomepuy
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Add the bookmark information to the now playing data for the remote access

parent 13893157
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1 merge request!1927Add the bookmark information to the now playing data for the remote access
Pipeline #482530 passed with stage
in 10 minutes and 55 seconds
......@@ -525,8 +525,10 @@ class RemoteAccessServer(private val context: Context) : PlaybackService.Callbac
lastNowPlayingSendTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
lastWasPlaying = service?.isPlaying == true
generateNowPlaying()?.let { nowPlaying ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(nowPlaying) }
scope.launch {
generateNowPlaying()?.let { nowPlaying ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(nowPlaying) }
generatePlayQueue()?.let { playQueue ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(playQueue) }
......@@ -545,8 +547,10 @@ class RemoteAccessServer(private val context: Context) : PlaybackService.Callbac
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastNowPlayingSendTime < NOW_PLAYING_TIMEOUT) return
lastNowPlayingSendTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
generateNowPlaying()?.let { nowPlaying ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(nowPlaying) }
scope.launch {
generateNowPlaying()?.let { nowPlaying ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(nowPlaying) }
generatePlayQueue()?.let { playQueue ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(playQueue) }
......@@ -562,8 +566,10 @@ class RemoteAccessServer(private val context: Context) : PlaybackService.Callbac
if (event.type != MediaPlayer.Event.TimeChanged) return
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastNowPlayingSendTime < NOW_PLAYING_TIMEOUT) return
lastNowPlayingSendTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
generateNowPlaying()?.let { nowPlaying ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(message = nowPlaying) }
scope.launch {
generateNowPlaying()?.let { nowPlaying ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(message = nowPlaying) }
generatePlayQueue()?.let { playQueue ->
AppScope.launch { RemoteAccessWebSockets.sendToAll(playQueue) }
......@@ -575,13 +581,14 @@ class RemoteAccessServer(private val context: Context) : PlaybackService.Callbac
* @return a [String] describing the now playing
private fun generateNowPlaying(): String? {
private suspend fun generateNowPlaying(): String? {
service?.let { service ->
service.currentMediaWrapper?.let { media ->
val gson = Gson()
val bookmarks = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { media.bookmarks ?: arrayOf() }
val nowPlaying = NowPlaying(media.title ?: "", media.artist
?: "", service.isPlaying, service.getTime(), service.length,, media.artworkURL
?: "", media.uri.toString(), getVolume(), service.isShuffling, service.repeatType)
?: "", media.uri.toString(), getVolume(), service.isShuffling, service.repeatType, bookmarks = { WSBookmark(it.title, it.time) })
return gson.toJson(nowPlaying)
......@@ -735,7 +742,9 @@ class RemoteAccessServer(private val context: Context) : PlaybackService.Callbac
abstract class WSMessage(val type: String)
data class NowPlaying(val title: String, val artist: String, val playing: Boolean, val progress: Long, val duration: Long, val id: Long, val artworkURL: String, val uri: String, val volume: Int, val shuffle: Boolean, val repeat: Int, val shouldShow: Boolean = PlaylistManager.playingState.value
?: false) : WSMessage("now-playing")
?: false, val bookmarks:List<WSBookmark> = listOf()) : WSMessage("now-playing")
data class WSBookmark(val title: String, val time: Long)
data class PlayQueue(val medias: List<PlayQueueItem>) : WSMessage("play-queue")
data class PlayQueueItem(val id: Long, val title: String, val artist: String, val length: Long, val artworkURL: String, val playing: Boolean, val resolution: String = "", val path: String = "", val isFolder: Boolean = false, val progress: Long = 0L, val played: Boolean = false, val fileType: String = "", val videoType:String? = null)
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