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Commit 0c5be949 authored by Nicolas Pomepuy's avatar Nicolas Pomepuy Committed by Duncan McNamara
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Improve text when no video is available

parent d97b4da7
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1 merge request!1309New external medias UX design
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in 5 minutes and 9 seconds
......@@ -940,6 +940,7 @@
<string name="touch_only_description">Switching to the mobile interface can only be done with a tactile screen or a mouse.\nPlease slide below to verify that this feature is safe to change.</string>
<string name="no_web_browser">No web browser installed</string>
<string name="no_web_browser_message">You can scan this on your smartphone.\nThe URL is %s</string>
<string name="no_video">No video available</string>
<string name="fold_optimized">Optimized for your folding screen</string>
<string name="fold_optimize">Optimize for folding screens</string>
<string name="foldable">Foldable screen</string>
......@@ -141,10 +141,10 @@ class VideoListAdapter(private var isSeenMediaMarkerVisible: Boolean
is VideoGroup -> holder.itemView.scope.launch {
val count = item.mediaCount()
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.time, if (count < 2) null else if (item.presentCount == item.mediaCount()) holder.itemView.context.resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.videos_quantity, count, count) else item.getPresenceDescription())
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.time, if (count < 2) null else if (item.presentCount == item.mediaCount()) holder.itemView.context.resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.videos_quantity, count, count) else if(item.presentCount == 0) holder.itemView.context.resources.getString(R.string.no_video) else item.getPresenceDescription())
holder.title.text = item.title
if (!isListMode) holder.binding.setVariable(BR.resolution, null)
val seen = if (item.presentSeen == item.presentCount) 1L else 0L
val seen = if (item.presentSeen == item.presentCount && item.presentCount != 0) 1L else 0L
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.seen, seen)
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.max, 0)
holder.binding.setVariable(BR.isPresent, item.presentCount > 0)
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