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Commit 0301f23d authored by Duncan McNamara's avatar Duncan McNamara Committed by Nicolas Pomepuy
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RemoteAcces: fix null media description crash

If for some reason the provider is stuck, the description in the
getProviderContent can be null if the underlaying
MedialibraryItem.description hasn't yet been initialized.

This can happen by triggering the smd auth dialog from the remote
access, leaving it untouched on the phone, and then from the remote
access querying any list of directories, their description is stuck as
long as the smb dialog is still opened.

Fixes #3037
parent cfe99e54
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Pipeline #511787 passed with stages
in 20 minutes and 40 seconds
......@@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ private suspend fun getProviderContent(context:Context, provider: BrowserProvide
context.resources.getQuantityString(org.videolan.vlc.R.plurals.mediafiles_quantity, files, files)
} else if (folders > 0) {
context.resources.getQuantityString(org.videolan.vlc.R.plurals.subfolders_quantity, folders, folders)
} else mediaLibraryItem.description
} else mediaLibraryItem.description ?: ""
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e(, e.message, e)
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