VLC disables media scanning on my SD card
Hi, first issue here. I have got an SD card I store most of my music on in "Music" directory. Recently (cannot tell since which version exactly) I couldn't play any album on the SD card - there were an "x" symbols next to each track [see attached screenshot] and nothing happened when I tapped them. In settings this directory has been excluded from scanning, but I haven't done this. I can include this directory again and play, but when I finish and open the app later, the same thing happens again and again. Playing files from SD card via folders view works anyway.
What I tried:
- clearing app cache,
- deleting files /data/user/0/org.videolan.vlc/app_db/vlc_media.db and /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.videolan.vlc/files/medialib,
- including whole SD card into scanning
- app version: 3.5.3 F-Droid
- os: LineageOS, Android 11
You are not updating so frequently, so question here: do I have to wait until next release, or can I get a CI release with quick unstable fix?
Thanks for your help.