Some folders are not banned in the debug app
In beta3:
05-15 17:34:08.416 26298 26330 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/MediaLibrary.cpp:1108 updateDatabaseModel Updating database model from 25 to 26
05-15 17:34:08.696 26298 26330 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/parser/Parser.cpp:141 restore Resuming parsing on 1106 tasks
05-15 17:34:08.696 26298 26330 D VLC/medialibrary: ../src/MediaLibrary.cpp:2165 onParserIdleChanged Parse services were resumed
05-15 17:34:08.696 26298 26330 D VLC/medialibrary: ../src/MediaLibrary.cpp:2174 onParserIdleChanged Setting background idle state to false
05-15 17:34:08.696 26298 26355 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/parser/ParserWorker.cpp:176 mainloop Entering ParserService [VLC] thread
05-15 17:34:08.696 26298 26355 D VLC/medialibrary: ../src/parser/ParserWorker.cpp:204 mainloop [VLC] has 1106 tasks remaining
05-15 17:34:08.696 26298 26355 D VLC/medialibrary: ../src/parser/Task.cpp:211 restoreLinkedEntities Restoring linked entities of task 2
05-15 17:34:08.725 26298 26330 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/MediaLibrary.cpp:556 initialize Successfully initialized
05-15 17:34:08.778 26298 26363 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/DiscovererWorker.cpp:357 run Entering DiscovererWorker thread
05-15 17:34:08.778 26298 26363 D VLC/medialibrary: ../src/MediaLibrary.cpp:2141 onDiscovererIdleChanged Discover thread was resumed
05-15 17:34:08.778 26298 26363 D VLC/medialibrary: ../src/MediaLibrary.cpp:2154 onDiscovererIdleChanged Setting background idle state to false
05-15 17:34:08.778 26298 26330 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/DiscovererWorker.cpp:331 enqueue Queuing entrypoint file:///storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp/ of type 4
05-15 17:34:08.778 26298 26330 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/DiscovererWorker.cpp:331 enqueue Queuing entrypoint file:///storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Animated Gifs/ of type 3
The file:///storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp/
is unbanned (type 4) and the file:///storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Animated Gifs/
folder is banned (type 3)
In the dev version, compiled on my machine (using d6a45e82):
- If I import the database from the beta2, the medialib doesn't get any ban/unban request, and proceeds with the discovery, only to reject the whatsapp animated gif folder because it contains a
05-15 17:40:30.774 30400 30458 D VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/FsDiscoverer.cpp:293 checkFolder New folder detected: file:///storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp%20Animated%20Gifs/Private/
05-15 17:40:30.774 30400 30445 D VLC/medialibrary: ../src/parser/ParserWorker.cpp:225 mainloop Executing VLC task on file:///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/VID_20200305_190843.mp4
05-15 17:40:30.774 30400 30458 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/probe/CrawlerProbe.h:55 isHidden Ignoring folder file:///storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp%20Animated%20Gifs/Private/ with a .nomedia file
- If I clear the app data, the folder is properly banned:
05-15 18:44:50.952 8038 8064 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/DiscovererWorker.cpp:331 enqueue Queuing entrypoint file:///storage/emulated/0/Notifications/ of type 3
05-15 18:44:50.952 8038 8064 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/DiscovererWorker.cpp:331 enqueue Queuing entrypoint file:///storage/emulated/0/alarms/ of type 3
05-15 18:44:50.952 8038 8064 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/DiscovererWorker.cpp:331 enqueue Queuing entrypoint file:///storage/emulated/0/ringtones/ of type 3
05-15 18:44:50.953 8038 8064 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/DiscovererWorker.cpp:331 enqueue Queuing entrypoint file:///storage/emulated/0/notifications/ of type 3
05-15 18:44:50.954 8038 8064 I VLC/medialibrary: ../src/discoverer/DiscovererWorker.cpp:331 enqueue Queuing entrypoint file:///storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Animated Gifs/ of type 3
I'm not sure why the behavior differs between the release & debug versions when sharing the same database, but it's likely why we never noticed the crash on startup that occured with beta 3 (and maybe before)