[3.3.0-beta] app crash on changing to landscape/portrait while dialog is open
In the current 3.3.0-beta, the app is crashing if you switch the landscape/portrait mode in the local network view while you have the "add new network" dialog open.
missing scroll:
The dialog is scrollable in the landscape mode but not in the portrait mode. If you have the keypad open, it's covering the OK and Cancel buttons in the bottom. The enter key on the keypad only jumps the selector to the next filed but not accept the whole entry. You have to close the keypad first. Focusing on an active file is working and move the dialog up but not on the bottom buttons. It would be handy to reach the buttons (should be in focus) without closing the keypad first. They should be in focus and visible.
Steps to reproduce
- go to the local network view
- open the "add new network" dialog
- change the landscape/portrait mode -> crash
Screenshot / video
App version