subtitles_location in intent does not seem to work?
I am opening video using vlc intent :
int vlcRequestCode = 42; Uri uri = Uri.parse("file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/KUNG FURY Official Movie.mp4"); Intent vlcIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); vlcIntent.setPackage("org.videolan.vlc"); vlcIntent.setDataAndTypeAndNormalize(uri, "video/*"); vlcIntent.putExtra("title", "Kung Fury"); vlcIntent.putExtra("from_start", false); vlcIntent.putExtra("position", 90000l); vlcIntent.putExtra("subtitles_location", "/storage/emulated/0/Download/"); startActivityForResult(vlcIntent, vlcRequestCode);
But it does not seem to work. What am I doing wrong? Secondary question : is there a way to add several subtitles in the intent?
p.s. I don't understand why the formatting for the code is so messed up. (no line breaks)