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Commits on Source (3)
......@@ -86,7 +86,11 @@ Recording a multicast address to a file:
multicat @ /tmp/myfile.ts
This will also create file /tmp/myfile.aux. Playing back the file:
Recording a udp multicast address to a file:
multicat -u @ /tmp/myfile.ts
These recordings will also create a file /tmp/myfile.aux. Playing back the file:
multicat -p 68 /tmp/myfile.ts
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ static void usage(void)
msg_Raw( NULL, " -r: in directory mode, rotate file after this duration (default: 97200000000 ticks = 1 hour)" );
msg_Raw( NULL, " -O: in directory mode, rotate file after duration + this offset (default: 0 tick = calendar hour)" );
msg_Raw( NULL, " -S: overwrite or create RTP SSRC" );
msg_Raw( NULL, " -u: source has no RTP header" );
msg_Raw( NULL, " -u: source has no RTP header, possibly a udp source" );
msg_Raw( NULL, " -U: destination has no RTP header" );
msg_Raw( NULL, " -m: size of the payload chunk, excluding optional RTP header (default 1316)" );
msg_Raw( NULL, " -R: size of the optional RTP header (default 12)" );