Empty groups when loading media groups list
When the Android app loads the MediaGroup lists with videoGroups
, some of the groups are sometimes empty.
For now, it makes the app crash on the kotlin side.
private fun Array<VideoGroup>.extractSingles() = map {
if (it.mediaCount() == 1) it.media(Medialibrary.SORT_DEFAULT, false, 1, 0)[0] else it // here
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
We can workaround that but it would hide a ML issue. The exact same code wasn't crashing before the MediaGroup refactor, so it's a regression between Android app version 3.2 and 3.3.
This crash doesn't seem to be linked to a specific Android version or manufacturer.
I do not have a mail report about this issue and I didn't reproduce that so I don't have a DB file to share unfortunately.
From what I see form the Play Store console, it seems that it happens only once by user so it may be a race condition.
(It happened twice for a user only once)