Mismatch between Genre & GenreFts causes metadata analysis to fail
During a migration, it appears the GenreFts
table was not emptied along with the Genre table, causing the FTS insertion trigger to fail due to the primary key being already in use in the FTS table, while the insertion succeeded in the Genre table itself:
08-29 10:34:11.352 16250 16322 E VLC/medialibrary: ../src/parser/ParserWorker.cpp:225 mainloop Caught an exception during file:///storage/emulated/0/Music/Artiste%20inconnu/Album%20inconnu%20%2827-08-2006%2015-17-36%29/03%20Piste%203.mp3 [Metadata] parsing: Request [INSERT INTO Genre(name)VALUES(?)] aborted due to constraint violation (constraint failed)