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  • Philip Langdale's avatar
    vulkan: add support for external memory with dma_buf fds · 39f4809d
    Philip Langdale authored and Niklas Haas's avatar Niklas Haas committed
    dma_buf fds are treated as a distinct type (vs OPAQUE_FD) in
    Vulkan, and so we need to treat them separately too. While the
    basic interactions are the same as for OPAQUE_FD, there is one
    distinct difference, which is that dma_buf fds cannot be used
    for external semaphores, so we have to separate the handle type
    lists when probing for support.
    Note that vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR function import is currently
    unused, but is necessary for importing dma_buf fds down the line.
    While the method is part of the generic external_fd extension, the
    spec says it cannot be used for OPAQUE_FD (seriously?) and so it's
    really only relevant for dma_buf fds.