Commits on Source (8)
Olivier Braun authored
According to ISO 13818-1: The continuity_counter shall not be incremented when the adaptation_field_control of the packet equals '00' or '10'.
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Olivier Braun authored
ANSI/SCTE 35 2019r1: The section_syntax_indicator is a 1-bit field that should always be set to ‘0’, indicating that MPEG short sections are to be used.
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Olivier Braun authorededdc9b29
Olivier Braun authored1bb2efe0
Olivier Braun authored
From SCTE 35:2019: The section_syntax_indicator is a 1-bit field that should always be set to ‘0’ From ISO 13818-1: if the indicator is set to '0', then only the fields 'table_id' through 'private_section_length' shall follow the common structure syntax and semantics and the rest of the private_section may take any form the user determines.
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Olivier Braun authored
The 3 first bytes of the secion are already skipped in dvbpsi.c `p_section->p_payload_start = p_section->p_data + 3;` p_section->p_payload_start therefore points to the protocol_version field of the splice_info_section
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Jean-Paul Saman authored7d1b5361
Jean-Paul Saman authoredf186f4b9