Commits on Source (14)
hpi1 authoredca14fbc0
hpi1 authored8793daad
hpi1 authoredb2d5b093
hpi1 authored
Fixes profile properties when playing second disc with a different profile
9a9a3eaf -
hpi1 authored93a060d5
hpi1 authorede0714f99
hpi1 authored9f303600
hpi1 authored49e142f8
hpi1 authored2dee7899
hpi1 authoredd9c84fac
hpi1 authored
"ClassReader.accept() should be called with EXPAND_FRAMES flag"
976d88f0 -
hpi1 authored6d0f29c4
hpi1 authoredbacc6de8
hpi1 authored1e6d7d2c