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  • Ivan Penkov's avatar
    Explicitly call non-sized delete on dynamically sized memory for correct... · ebba1800
    Ivan Penkov authored
    Explicitly call non-sized delete on dynamically sized memory for correct behavior under sized-delete.
    The code as it stands allocates a chunk of memory of arbitrary size and places an object into it. It stores a pointer to that object and memory into a list telling the compiler that it is a pointer to a char.  When the compiler deletes the objects in the list it thinks that the list contains pointers to chars - not pointers to arbitrarily sized regions of memory.
    This is fixing an issue that will reproduces when the following optimization (C++ sized dealocation) is enabled:
    The fix is to explicitly call the non-sized delete operator, and the library code that supports malloc/free/new/delete will figure out the size of the block of memory from the pointer being passed in.
    Patch provided by Darryl Gove.
    Review URL: .