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  • Ivan Penkov's avatar
    Server-side workaround to handle overlapping modules. · 24f5931c
    Ivan Penkov authored
    This change is resolving an issue that was caused by the combination of:
     - Android system libraries being relro packed in N+.
     - Breakpad dealing with relro packed libraries in a hack way.
    This is a fix for http://crbug/611824.
    I also found an use-after-free issue (bug in Minidump::SeekToStreamType).  I disallowed the MinidumpStreamInfo copy and assign constructors and the compiler detected another similar issue in Minidump::Print.  Then I disabled the copy and assign constructors for most classes in minidump.h (just in case).  There are a couple of classes where I couldn't disallow them (since assign is used).  This will require a small refactor so I left it out of this CL.
    Review URL: .