No duration for ogg files
This is the code that I use to setup VLCMediaPlayer:
let mediaPlayer = VLCMediaPlayer()
func loadMedia(url: URL) {
let media = VLCMedia(url: url)
self? = media
var durationInMilliseconds: Float {
guard let lengthInMilliseconds = mediaLength?.intValue else {
return 0
return Float(lengthInMilliseconds)
private var mediaLength: VLCTime? {
guard let length = else {
return nil
return length
This is the function that I call every 0.2 seconds to update current slider position (progress view) and current time. I have added "@#@ duration" marker to show duration of the audioFile.
func currentPositionValue() -> Float {
let currentTimeInMilliseconds = Float(mediaPlayer.time.intValue)
let currSliderPositionValue = currentTimeInMilliseconds / durationInMilliseconds * 100 //durationInMilliseconds is 0.
print("@#@ Duration: \(durationInMilliseconds)") //This is the audio file duration
return currSliderPositionValue
This is the duration value for '9seconds_with_duration.ogg' file:
This is the duration value for '4seconds_no_duration.ogg' file:
I have tested different ogg files, for some VLCPlayer shows duration, for others it does not.
Here are 2 metadata values for 2 files. Both of them have duration, bitrate and filesize.
File '9seconds_with_duration.ogg' info:
File '4seconds_no_duration.ogg' info:
Audio files:
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