MobileVLCKit pub hosting geo filtered?
As part of
we discovered some people are having trouble installing MobileVLCKit
using cocoapods.
> Running pod install...
> (This is taking an unexpectedly long time.) ⣯ ⣷
> [...]
> curl: (92) HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2)
> Error running pod install
Downloading manually is also really slow for some people.
For me using a German internet access the server shuts down after some time.
I have a downstream of ↓ 58,6 Mbit/s
I ran it like twice, it is always very slow and looks like it times out/the server cancels it.
9,9 MB of 299,7 MB -- The operation couldn't be complete...
8,3 MB of 299,7 MB -- The operation couldn't be complete...
Then I switched to my mobile cellular and it is the same.
Using the Tor network with an IP from Texas (United States) it finishes within 10 minutes. Using another private proxy also works when using an IP from within the USA. So it does not seem to be our networks, but rather the server/host?