Provide custom controls/views (with customizable themes/templates) for music/video players and related views (buffering view, progressbar, equalizer, etc.)
Only for forms?
I think that this must be a separate repository with its own issues...
This is a lot of work to create and maintain this, I guess, so I'd keep it as minimal as possible. I don't know if it's a good idea to do the drop-in replacement.
Just like the UWP MediaPlayer element provided by MSFT, users of LibVLCSharp that just need to play a video, should not have to implement the playback controls and such.
Just keep in mind that users expect a basic control set (play/pause, skip back, skip forward).
We can add chromecast to that and a few other stuff. Let's start small and see.
Do you think it should be in the LibVLCSharp.Forms package or a separate one that would depend on it?
Note that controls for Xamarin non-Forms projects (i.e. Android or iOS only etc.) are also on the roadmap and it might make sense to put them together.
Do you think it should be in the LibVLCSharp.Forms package or a separate one that would depend on it?
Good question. I think it will be easier to maintain if we have separate packages, but on the other hand, it starts having a lot of LibVLCSharp packages, only one package would be simpler. I'm divided...
If that doesn't add any other dependency and doesn't add too many files, I'm in favor of having that in the same package, because handling versions of too many packages is a nightmare.
Alright. If we put the MediaElement for Xamarin.Forms in LibVLCSharp.Forms, then that means we will put the MediaElements for Android/iOS/WPF etc.. in LibVLCSharp.
I did not think about that but there is a dependency with Xamarin.Essentials. I use it to get the device screen size and to keep the screen on when playing.
I also use the MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf icon font under Apache License 2.0, but the developper does not have to include it if he don't use the playback controls.
The icon font is not really a dependency. The developper will be able to choose another icon font, or even set an image (I'm going to do a style per button). The default codes will be for the MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf but the font will not be included in the package.
The only problem is the dependency with Xamarin.Essentials. If I recode the KeepScreenOn in our projects, I must be able to remove the dependency.