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  • Devin Heitmueller's avatar
    hxx_sei: Fix improper counting of remaining bytes due to 3-byte emulation · 9a478df9
    Devin Heitmueller authored and François Cartegnie's avatar François Cartegnie committed
    The routine which iterates over the RBSP to process the SEIs
    attempts to accommodate the individual parsers not reading all
    the bytes (i.e. by reading any remaining bytes before restarting
    the loop), as well as detecting if the parser for a given type
    read past the end of SEI.  However the implementation does this
    by noting the position of the start of the NAL, getting the
    position after parsing, and computing the difference.  This does
    not take into account that the bitstream parser has a pf_forward
    routine to strip out 3-byte emulation.
    Hence in cases where an emulation sequence is found, the number
    of bytes processed by the parser don't match how many bytes were
    actually consumed in the stream.  The failure occurs at the bottom
    of the loop where either it fails to read out extra bytes if the
    parser didn't process the entire SEI, or aborting prematurely
    thinking that the parser processed too many bytes.
    To avoid this issue, clone the bitstream into a second instance
    which already has the three byte emulation stripped, and use that
    with the existing parser routines.
    The use case where this problem manifested was a low latency
    stream where it failed to find the SEI recovery point because
    there was an emulation sequence in the preceding picture timing
    SEI section, and this caused the loop to bail out because the
    bs_position was past the size of the picture_timing SEI length.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDevin Heitmueller <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarFrancois Cartegnie <>