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  • Lyndon Brown's avatar
    iso639: tweak name-inclusive search algorithm to check names last · 58260a7a
    Lyndon Brown authored and Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf committed
    under this algorithm codes are searched first, names second. (though of
    course codes are skipped if length is not 2 or 3).
    in short, this is partly because in cases where clashes between short
    names and codes occur (which can happen, as discussed shortly), i feel
    that it is best to prefer the code match, and partly because of the
    disadvantages of using names as identifiers, as discussed in a moment,
    that make codes perhaps more likely to be used for most languages.
    please note the note in the previous commit about how this is only of
    relevance to users specifying language preference for dvdnav and bluray,
    with `--sub-language`, `--audio-language` and `--menu-language` options.
    -- names as identifiers --
    the disadvantages/problems of using names as identifiers:
     1. first, note that since 236ca7ae
        introduced the possibility, the help text of the few relevant
        options has never actually informed user...