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  • Marvin Scholz's avatar
    macOS: Add CFBundleDisplayName to Info.plist · 148107c3
    Marvin Scholz authored
    According to the documentation:
    > Because Siri uses the value of this key, always provide a value,
    > whether or not you localize your app.
    Note that this will have no effect when running the vlc-osx-static,
    due to the following:
    > In macOS, before displaying a localized name for your bundle, the
    > Finder compares the value of this key against the actual name of your
    > bundle in the file system. If the two names match, the Finder proceeds
    > to display the localized name from the appropriate InfoPlist.strings
    > file of your bundle. If the names do not match, the Finder displays
    > the file-system name.