# VLC for Android
This is the official **Android** port of [VLC](https://videolan.org/vlc/).

VLC on Android plays all the same files as the classical version of VLC, and features a media database
for Audio and Video files and stream.

- [Project Structure](#project-structure)
- [LibVLC](#libvlc)
- [License](#license)
- [Build](#build)
  - [Build Application](#build-application)
  - [Build LibVLC](#build-libvlc)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
  - [Pull requests](#pull-requests)
  - [Translations](#translations)
- [Issues and feature requests](#issues-and-feature-requests)
- [Support](#support)

## Project Structure

Here are the current folders of vlc-android project:
- extension-api : Application extensions SDK (not released yet)
- application : Android application source code, organized by modules.
- buildsystem : Build scripts, CI and maven publication configuration
- libvlc : LibVLC gradle module, VLC source code will be cloned in `vlc/` at root level.
- medialibrary : Medialibrary gradle module

## LibVLC

LibVLC is the Android library embedding VLC engine, which provides a lot of multimedia features, like:

- Play every media file formats, every codec and every streaming protocols
- Hardware and efficient decoding on every platform, up to 8K
- Network browsing for distant filesystems (SMB, FTP, SFTP, NFS...) and servers (UPnP, DLNA)
- Playback of Audio CD, DVD and Bluray with menu navigation
- Support for HDR, including tonemapping for SDR streams
- Audio passthrough with SPDIF and HDMI, including for Audio HD codecs, like DD+, TrueHD or DTS-HD
- Support for video and audio filters
- Support for 360 video and 3D audio playback, including Ambisonics
- Ability to cast and stream to distant renderers, like Chromecast and UPnP renderers.

And more.

![LibVLC stack](https://images.videolan.org/images/libvlc_stack.png)

You can use our LibVLC module to power your own Android media player.
Have a look at our  [sample codes](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libvlc-android-samples).

## License
VLC for Android is licensed under [GPLv2 (or later)](COPYING). Android libraries make this, de facto, a GPLv3 application.

VLC engine *(LibVLC)* for Android is licensed under [LGPLv2](libvlc/COPYING.LIB).

## Build

Native libraries are published on bintray. So you can:
- Build the application and get libraries via gradle dependencies (JVM build only)
- Build the whole app (LibVLC + Medialibrary + Application)
- Build LibVLC only, and get an .aar package

### Build Application

VLC-Android build relies on gradle build modes :
- `Release` & `Debug` will get LibVLC and Medialibrary from Bintray, and build application source code only.
- `SignedRelease` also, but it will allow you to sign application apk with a local keystore.
- `Dev` will build build LibVLC, Medialibrary, and then build the application with these binaries. (via build scripts only)

### Build LibVLC

You will need a recent Linux distribution to build VLC.
It should work with Windows 10, and macOS, but there is no official support for this.

#### Setup

Check our [AndroidCompile wiki page](https://wiki.videolan.org/AndroidCompile/), especially for build dependencies.

Here are the essential points:

On Debian/Ubuntu, install the required dependencies:
sudo apt install automake ant autopoint cmake build-essential libtool-bin \
    patch pkg-config protobuf-compiler ragel subversion unzip git \
    openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jdk flex python wget

Setup the build environment:
Set `$ANDROID_SDK` to point to your Android SDK directory
`export ANDROID_SDK=/path/to/android-sdk`

Set `$ANDROID_NDK` to point to your Android NDK directory
`export ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android-ndk`

Then, you are ready to build!

#### Build

`buildsystem/compile.sh -l -a <ABI>`

ABI can be `arm`, `arm64`, `x86`, `x86_64` or `all` for a multi-abis build

You can do a library release build with `-r` argument

#### Medialibrary

Build Medialibrary with `-ml` instead of `-l`

## Contribute

VLC is a libre and open source project, we welcome all contributions.

Just respect our [Code of Conduct](https://wiki.videolan.org/CoC/).

### Pull requests

Pull requests must be proposed on our [gitlab server](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-android/).

So you must create an account, fork vlc-android project, and propose your merge requests from it.

**Exept for translations**, see the section below.

### Translations

You can help improving translations too by joining the [transifex vlc project](https://www.transifex.com/yaron/vlc-trans/dashboard/)

Translations merge requests are then generated from transifex work.

## Issues and feature requests

VLC for Android bugtracker is hosted on [VideoLAN gitlab](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-android/issues)  
Please look for existing issues and provide as much useful details as you can (e.g. vlc app version, device and Android version).

A template is provided, please use it!

Issues without relevant informations will be ignored, we cannot help in this case.

## Support

- Android mailing list: android@videolan.org
- bugtracker: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-android/issues
- IRC: *#videolan* channel on [freenode](http://freenode.net/)
- VideoLAN forum: https://forum.videolan.org/