VLCKit 3.2.0 - Enabled libmux module - Fixed a bug where debuglogging logged less than what the loglevel indicated - Fixed a bug where subtitles where not displayed by default on iOS - Fixed a crash when playing back mkv on iOS 12 - API Changes: - updateProgressWithReference:message:postion: to updateProgressWithReference:message:position: - new recording Api VLCMediaPlayerDelegate: - (void)mediaPlayerStartedRecording:(VLCMediaPlayer *)player; - (void)mediaPlayer:(VLCMediaPlayer *)player recordingStoppedAtPath:(NSString *)path; VLCMediaPlayer: - (BOOL)startRecordingAtPath:(NSString *)path; - (BOOL)stopRecording; - new Transcoder Class and API VLCTranscoderDelegate: - (void)transcode:(VLCTranscoder *)transcoder finishedSucessfully:(BOOL)success; VLCTranscoder: - (BOOL)reencodeAndMuxSRTFile:(NSString *)srtPath toMP4File:(NSString *)mp4Path outputPath:(NSString *)outPath