# Milestones Overview
1. Access and services discovery module
2. Add support for multiple users
3. Replace microhttpd from libcloudstorage
4. Replace libcurl from libcloudstorage
5. Dialog displaying with an external browser
6. Support the HTTP handle
# Implementation
## Supported MRL formats
1. `cloudstorage://{provider}/{path}` - Does not store any authentication in the vlc_keystore;
2. `cloudstorage://{user_label}@{provider}/{path}` - Stores the authentication tokens in the vlc_keystore under user_label.
The user_label does not require any special format, it is a simply label used for future logins. It could be the username used to login into the provider, however, seems hard if not impossible to grab that username for all providers and store it.
Another consequence would be that the user would user the first (1) MRL type when authenticating for the first time and guess that the MRL created for future logins would be the second one (2).
With the label approach, he will always use the second MRL type in order to authenticate for the first name or future logins. |
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